His Wife Calls The Shots

Chapter 1407 Can't hear Feng Xian's footsteps for a long time (beginning of the second vol

Chapter 1407

Although she can't move, her hearing is very sensitive. She can hear what Feng Xian said to her every day, and because of this, even though she has been lying in bed for two years, the things outside are very clear.

These things were all told by Feng Xian to her, what he said was not detailed, but concise.

She could clearly hear it, and tried desperately to open her eyes, but failed.

Her body seemed to have lost control of her, and she was unwilling to talk to her.

They were waiting, and she was waiting too.

She wanted to find Wei Wu, find Wei Wei, and also wanted to help Feng Xian reorganize the family business together, help him share the burden, and also wanted to see Lu Wanyu's child.

Not only did Feng Xian tell her about this matter, Lu Wanyu herself also came to talk to her from time to time.

According to Xiaoyu, the child was born on the eve of her wedding. At that time, she didn't pay attention to it and didn't take protective measures. It was only found out after three months. Later, she decided to live and raise alone.

Xiaoyu is a person who longs for a family. She had thought before that she would just have a child without getting married, so when the child came, she never thought of aborting it.

As for Cang Zeyue, he also made a choice. He planned to marry her, but she refused.

When she came to look for Qian Miao, she had a deep entanglement.

She said that she didn't want to marry Cang Zeyue because of this child, so it would appear that she was wronged.

She doesn't want to be wronged.

Cang Zeyue has changed a bit since then, and started to go back to take over the family business, doing things he doesn't like to do.

Qian Miao heard that child's voice yesterday.

She is a very cute little princess. She is more than one year old. She can walk and talk. She is very clever. She calls her aunt one by one and sings to her.

Lu Wanyu named her Lu Zhinuan, nicknamed Nuannuan.

Luo Yan also came to see her from time to time. He had become much more sunny, and he devoted himself to research, continuing the plan they had set at the beginning by himself. Yu Manman still ran behind him. From being isolated by him at the beginning, he has gradually allowed him to do some assistant work, and he will also answer her questions. As for falling in love, it seems to be out of reach. thing.

After Qian Miao heard this, she only thought in her heart that of course, the cabbage she cared for with all her heart could not be humiliated by pigs.

She had heard a lot of news, but she was alone, without Bai Mucheng, her forever senior brother in her heart.

I only know that the Bai family is powerful, but I don't know anything about him.

Since Bayi self-destructed, she never heard from him again.

About her, she is inevitably disappointed.

Bai Mucheng grew up with her, and in her heart he was like a real brother. The last thing she wanted to see was to make him his enemy.

Now, with different positions, they are powerless.

Every time she thought about it, she felt depressed, which was inevitable.

Everyone came to see her during the day, and at night, each had their own affairs to deal with, so they all dispersed.

Feng Xian came back just in time, would wipe her body, and then take her for a walk.

She likes to smell the fragrance of flowers, and also likes to smell the sea breeze.

But today, she could feel that it was very late, but she couldn't hear Feng Xian's footsteps for a long time.

Is it because the official business is too busy?

Suddenly, there were footsteps outside.

Very strange footsteps, not a resident of this island.

Her heart rate increased slightly.

The door was pushed open furtively.

Qian Miao smelled the familiar perfume, which was mixed with the body fragrance of an unfamiliar woman, creating a special smell.

The perfume was developed by her, and it is the most expensive series of LM's products.

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