His Wife Calls The Shots

Chapter 1408 Qian Miao Was Stolen

Chapter 1408

She couldn't move, couldn't open her eyes, only her sense of hearing and smell could make her feel everything around her.

The woman walked towards her slowly.

The woman did nothing, and seemed to just stare at her for more than five minutes.

Later, he even touched her face with his hands and let out a slight sigh.

Suddenly, she spoke: "I can't let that bitch succeed, I have to take you away today."

Qian Miao was very puzzled about who she was, how she came here, and what her purpose was.

It stands to reason that this place is very tightly protected by Feng Xian. There has never been a mistake in the past two years. How could a woman be allowed in today?

The woman quickly transferred her to the wheelchair and pushed her out.

The woman seemed to know the security system here very well, so she avoided it all by herself, or in other words, she had a pass card, so she could go all the way unimpeded and didn't alarm anyone.

Passing through layers of floral fragrances, Qian Miao was quickly transferred to the seaside, where other people picked up the woman and transferred her to a boat together.

"Miss Manyi, everything is fine."

"Well, let's sail and get out of here as soon as possible."

Qian Miao heard the conversation between the two, and also knew the woman's name, Manyi.

Sure enough, it was someone she didn't know.

After more than an hour, the boat docked.

Qian Miao was transferred into a car again, and slowly drove towards the noisy city center.

She hadn't been surrounded by such a noisy environment for a long time, and when she came back suddenly, her body seemed to have some reactions, and she was no longer so calm.

Manyi has been supporting her without speaking, her breathing is a little short, and she seems very nervous.

At this time, someone's cell phone rang.

After ringing for a long time, it was answered by Manyi.

"Hello... hello?"

She is afraid.

The male voice on the other end of the phone came clearly——

"Sumanyi! Did you steal something from Zeyue and went to find Tang Qianmiao?!"

The atmosphere in the carriage suddenly became cold.

Su Manyi felt guilty, but shouted loudly: "That's not stealing! It's just borrowing!"

"You deliberately got him drunk and took that thing away, and you said it wasn't stealing? Where do you want my face to be?"

The woman felt wronged: "Then you want me to watch that slut Cang Lan come to power? Even if Zeyue Wuxin is the president, it's not her turn to be the president! And you are here! I don't care, I just want to take Tang Qian Miao is back, tomorrow I will see how her shareholder meeting will be held!"

"You are confused, you can discuss this matter! Now that you do this, you offend Ze Yue and Feng Xian all of a sudden, what do you want me to tell them? Ah?"

Su Manyi panicked: "But, I have already brought him out, and there is no way to bring him back..."

"You...you really pissed me off! Just piss me off, and be a widow for the rest of your life!"

"Don't, husband, I know I'm wrong, you can help me find a way, or should I take her to the shareholders' meeting first, and then send her back?"

"What's the use of bringing her to participate? She didn't formally recognize her uncle before, so she didn't formally return to the Cang family. She has no right to intervene in the affairs of the Cang family. You are in vain!"

"How can it be in vain? She is my uncle's biological daughter! And she is so capable. The main reason is that she never said before that she would not come back. Didn't an accident happen? In short, she is more qualified than Cang Lan to be the president. ! I'd rather have her in the position than see Cang Lan's illegitimate daughter in charge!"

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