His Wife Calls The Shots

Chapter 1409 That's Wei Wu's smell!

Chapter 1409

"Cang Lan's matter is another story, you send Tang Qianmiao back first! Let me tell you, Feng Xian will know about this soon, and you will be finished by then!"

"Anyway, I won't hurt Tang Qianmiao, can he still kill people? Anyway, I just don't want Cang Lan to succeed! This bitch copied Tang Qianmiao's path to fame and thought he was another Tang Qianmiao? Bah! She deserves it too? Also, you should be of the same mind as me, don't you think it will be of any benefit to you and me if she becomes the president? I decided not to let that happen!"

This incident seemed to hit her point, and she hung up the phone as soon as she finished speaking, without listening to her husband's explanation.

Qian Miao made sense now.

It turned out that it was the Cang family's business.

She didn't know the Cang family before, but now it seems that the family relationship inside is not simple.

This Su Manyi is the daughter-in-law of the Cang family, her husband may be Cang Zeyue's cousin, and that Cang Lan is the illegitimate daughter of Cang Zeyue's uncle.

Probably because Cang Ze didn't want to take over the company more and more, so the position of president had to be given up. The group deliberately chose Cang Lan to take over, but Su Manyi, the daughter-in-law, refused, so she asked her to come out to stop her.

Qian Miao thought for a while, and suddenly remembered that Cang Lan from Country A in Taishi Continent was a middle-level manager in her Minghuang Group, and she once even asked her to use WeChat.

I don't know, is it the same name?

The car has been driving for a long time, from noisy to quiet, it seems to be in another city.

The car window opened a small gap, and the cool wind poured in, blowing through Qian Miao's nose.

Suddenly, a familiar smell hit her, which shocked her heart!

That's Wei Wu's smell!

She remembered the smells of people close to her, and in the past two years, because of thinking about Wei Wu's whereabouts, she was deeply impressed by her smell.

At this time, the wisps of light and light smells were mixed with countless complex smells, and she was still able to recognize them!

Unfortunately, as the car passed by, the smell gradually faded until it disappeared.

Qian Miao counted down silently in her heart, she counted the time, in the future, she had to calculate the position of the place just now according to the time and the speed of the car!

After about half an hour, the car finally stopped.

"Miss, here we are."

"Well, come on, help people get out of the car, be careful not to bump into each other."


The two carefully put her on the wheelchair, and then she was pushed into the elevator by Sumanyi.

This is a hotel, the exact location is unknown.

After getting out of the elevator, there were finally other people around. Their conversation quickly allowed Qian Miao to find the key information to confirm the location.

It was three girls who spoke.

"After waiting for a long time, I finally got a room. Every March, the place is full of people. It is more difficult than grabbing tickets for armor during Chinese New Year!"

"That can't be helped. This hotel is the one closest to Xiguo Mountain. People who come here are all rushing to see the peach blossoms!"

Qian Miao has also stayed in Wucheng for many years, and quickly determined the location of the hotel with these two sentences. Coincidentally, it is the property of Feng Xian's family.

Xiguo Mountain's tourism projects are also under the Feng family's banner, and the most famous one is the peach blossoms all over the mountains, which are so beautiful every year that it makes people feel like they are in a fairyland.

The hotel closest to the entrance is naturally also owned by the Feng family.

She has been here a few times before and the service is pretty good.

After confirming the position, she quickly fell back.

Unfortunately, she wasn't sure which route the driver was taking, so even though she knew that Wei Wu's place was half an hour's drive from here, she couldn't determine the direction for a while.

Anxious, spontaneously.

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