His Wife Calls The Shots

Chapter 1410 Look at the monitoring! Something flashed past!

Chapter 1410

A force suddenly gathered in her dantian, rampaging through her body!

The body that had been silent for two years quickly returned to life!

Suddenly, she opened her eyes!

In the clear and beautiful peach blossom eyes, there is a deep wisdom.

Su Manyi turned on the light in the room before turning around to push Qian Miao in, but as soon as she turned around, she froze.

Wheelchairs... nobody!

"People, where are people!"

She looked to both sides of the corridor in a panic, but she didn't see anyone!

Obviously she just let go of the wheelchair for less than half a minute, opened the door and turned on the light, how could she turn around and disappear!

She is going crazy!

"Could it be...she woke up?"

"But she's been lying there for two years! She hasn't moved her body for two years, and she just leaves when she wakes up?"

She looked to both sides of the corridor. It would take seven or eight seconds for a normal person to walk around the corner!

And Tang Qianmiao, a patient, how did he do it?

Su Manyi felt that her legs were weak, and she didn't know what to do for a while, so she took out her mobile phone and called her husband.

"Honey, I, I lost Tang Qianmiao, I don't know... she disappeared as soon as I turned around!"


Hotel monitoring master control room.

The two security guards were sitting together watching short videos, commenting on a swaying anchor, and no one was watching the surveillance.

At this moment, a gust of wind blew in, followed by a figure flashing in.

Qian Miao stood behind the two of them, lazily leaning against the wall, looking at the dozens of surveillance screens in front of her.

The security didn't notice anyone coming in at all, let alone a girl standing by the wall behind them at this time.

She seemed to stare at the monitor as if the two of them didn't exist, and then quickly locked onto a monitor.

That's the parking lot.

She stared at the keyboard, and the next second, the back button was automatically pressed, and the monitoring screen quickly reversed.

She didn't stop until she retreated to the scene where she appeared.

With the help of the screen, she quickly locked the license plate number of that car, but fortunately, it is still in the hotel.

There was another swish, and a gust of wind blew.

The two security guards looked up at the door, wondering: "Why is there wind?"

"Ah! Look at the monitor! Something flashed past!"

In a certain monitoring screen, a blurry shadow flashed across!

The scalp of the two of them went numb.

"Look, you got it wrong! How could it be a human!"

"That's right, that's right, we must be looking at too many mobile phones, and we're wrong!"

The two comforted each other, but neither of them believed the rhetoric.

In the parking lot, Qian Miao found the car.

She stretched out her hand to caress the handle of the car, an unprecedented feeling stimulated her brain nerves, the structure of the car lock suddenly appeared in her mind, as she tightened her fingers, only heard a slight sound, she opened her eyes .

With a slight pull, the door opens.

This body has been completely new, as if it has been transformed and upgraded.

She can control all objects, and can move a hundred meters quickly in an instant!

And completing these things is easier for her than drinking water, and she can easily achieve it with just a thought.

She found out the driving recorder, and through it, she could know the route of the car just now.

Ten minutes later, she left the hotel in the same car, without a key.

The car shuttled nimbly on the street, even more powerful than a professional racing car. Wherever it passed, it attracted a lot of attention.

The half-hour drive was shortened to thirteen minutes by her.

Finally, the car stopped in front of a building.

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