His Wife Calls The Shots

Chapter 1422 Do you still want to learn from that Tang Qianmiao?

Chapter 1422

"What does this have to do with temperament? Oh, don't talk about it, talk about what happened tomorrow. You've already talked about those directors, right? Is the position of president a sure thing?"

Cang Lan raised her eyebrows indifferently: "Cang Zeyue doesn't care about things, Cang Haotian doesn't live up to expectations, and Dad is eager to take over the power again. For me, this is the best time and it's absolutely stable."

Xu Jiahui thought for a while before she understood the reason, and asked worriedly: "Will your father let you give this seat to Cang Haotian from now on?"

Cang Lan's eyes revealed a fierce look: "That's for sure. After all, I'm a woman. Dad won't be willing to pass on the Cang family to me. I'm just a pawn for him to fight for power from uncle."

"Ah? Then what shall we do in the future? He won't limit my consumption!"

Cang Lan had some headaches about having this mother, and said impatiently: "Mom, your structure is too small, let me tell you, after you gave birth to me, you can already have inexhaustible wealth, so don't worry about that. "

"Oh, that's okay, okay." Xu Jiahui smiled again: "It doesn't matter, you are a girl, you always want to get married, and when you get married, you can be a full-time wife and talk to your mother. Enjoy life the same way, running a company is a man’s job.”

Cang Lan pressed her temples and said, "Forget it, it doesn't make sense for me to tell you. In this era, men and women are equal, and women can do what men can do. As for marriage, I can find a man to marry, and there is no need to marry. Anyway, I won't give it up, I want the entire Cang family to be mine."

Xu Jiahui was stunned, and after a while, she slowly recalled something.

She said, "Do you still want to learn from that Tang Qianmiao?"

This name gave Cang Lan a pause, she put down the teacup.

The drooping eyes are playing with the newly made fingers, the eyebrows are drooping, with a light look, but the color in the eyes is as cool as water.

"Study? Oh, those are all past tenses."

"You don't like her anymore? Ah, didn't you say that she was your goddess all the time before, and you want to be like her and become a strong woman in your own right?" Xu Jiahui asked with a smile.

The former Cang Lan saw the news of Tang Qianmiao one day, and after getting to know this person, she completely regarded her as an idol, and kept saying that name every day.

"I said, it's all in the past, so don't mention it." Cang Lan yawned and got up: "I'm going to rest, you should go to bed early too."

Xu Jiahui couldn't figure out what was going on in her mind, curled her lips, without thinking deeply, took out her mobile phone and made an appointment with a few old sisters to go shopping tomorrow.

After returning to the room, Cang Lan poured a glass of red wine and drank slowly.

She suddenly remembered Tang Qianmiao in the ring two years ago.

At that time, she was still a small manager of Minghuang, sitting in the auditorium and watching Tang Qianmiao beat the national princess of country A, Yu Manman, so hard that she couldn't get up, she was very happy at that time.

I vowed to become such a person one day.

Later, she heard that Tang Qianmiao was attacked by a group of monsters, and the wedding couldn't be held because of this, and she disappeared completely afterwards.

There were many rumors, one of the most widely circulated versions was that she was already dead.

She also believed in this rumor, because this version of the rumor made her the happiest.

In the hazy night, she looked at the sky, and slowly poured the red liquid in the cup: "Miss Tang, now people say that I look like you, the second you, but I am not happy, I wait for them to say that I am better than you." You are strong, you are in the sky, just wait and see, I will be stronger than you."

She smiled, and her eyes concealed great ambitions.

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