His Wife Calls The Shots

Chapter 1423 Her Comic Diary

Chapter 1423

It is no exaggeration to say that not everyone in country G will care about the work and life of film and television stars, but what is certain is that they will definitely pay attention to the news about the five big chaebols. For a long time, as long as it is news related to these big chaebols, without exception, it has been a hot topic of discussion, because these few chaebols are in charge of 70% of the country's GDP, and they also control many The livelihood of many people.

In the past, the Feng Group alone controlled 20% of the country's GDP, which was once called a myth. In recent years, after the changes in the Feng family, their focus has shifted, gradually turning to the Bai family and the Cang family, and the country's economic center of gravity has also shifted from the capital city to the Wu city.

Therefore, after the news that the top management of the Cang Group was about to change was spread in the media circles, many media sent people to squat over to guard the first-hand news.

Today is the day for the general meeting of shareholders. The media people who heard the news have already carried the machine and are ready, and there are people guarding the gate, parking lot and other places.

As a webtoon artist, Wang Chuan has a good reputation among his peers. This year's work was also selected for the best work award in the industry league. The work was completed last month. Now it is in a rest period and is thinking about the idea of ​​the next work. A few days ago, work suddenly came.

That day, he received his first custom order in his life, and it was also a very interesting order.

Where is the fun?

The main reason is that the person who placed the order was none other than Cang Lan, the "legacy daughter" of the Cang family who has become more popular than the first-line celebrities in recent years.

The reason why she found him was because he used to be a member of Beijing University Creative Comic Club, and the president of that club was none other than Tang Qianmiao, who had been missing for two years.

He knew that Cang Lan had been compared with Tang Qianmiao by the common people since he became famous, so when he heard this, he immediately understood.

Cang Lan must want to learn from Tang Qianmiao's way of becoming famous again, using comics to enhance her reputation.

Ever since Tang Qianmiao appeared as the majority shareholder of the Jin family at a state banquet in country A a few years ago, her fame has soared, and her popularity has remained high. In country G, her reputation surpasses all female stars, and she is called the "Queen". Not long after she disappeared, a manga about her robot research and development was published. Once it was released, it sold like crazy!

That comic was what Tang Qianmiao asked the members to regularly go to the Innovation Club to observe their research and development records at the beginning of the establishment of the club. After more than a year, the comic was completed on the market and became another way for people to understand Tang Qianmiao.

After that manga was over, because it was too hot, there were other chapters, also with Tang Qianmiao as the main character, mainly to draw pictures of her daily study in college, and it sold like crazy after it went public, and it is still a bestseller in bookstores Taste.

And the chief writer of that manga, the original president of the manga club, also realized his dream of becoming a famous manga artist.

And he, Wang Chuan, is just an inconspicuous existence in the club. He joined the club just because he loves to read comics. Later, after the comics club was merged into the Innovation Comic Club, he followed him, but he was not very familiar with Tang Qianmiao and others.

In his heart, he was jealous of them.

So, when Cang Lan put forward the request for this customized comic, he was so excited that he stayed up all night.

Now Cang Lan's popularity is no less than Tang Qianyu's. When he completes her comic book in the future, he will become a well-known cartoonist like the president, and the comics written by him will also sell well!

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