His Wife Calls The Shots

Chapter 1446 Unexpectedly obedient

Chapter 1446

"Thirsty." She uttered a word, but her hands were playing with his ring.

"Okay, I'll pour you some water."

He instinctively pulled his hand away, but it was suddenly clenched.

Looking back and seeing Wei Wu's frightened face, he understood.

"I'm not going, look, I'm just pouring water for you."

He picked up the disposable cup next to him.

Wei Wu shook her head, did not speak, and continued to stare at the ring on his hand with her head down.

Feng Can had no choice but to operate with one hand. Fortunately, his legs and feet were long enough, so he reached the kettle over there without much effort and poured a glass of water.

He took water and fed it to her mouth, but saw that her door was stuck into the cup. If it wasn't for the small cup, she might have stuck her whole head in it.

Feng Can was surprised, and couldn't understand the way she drank water, like... a puppy.

He wiped the water from her mouth with his sleeve, gently and slowly, and then dried the water from her clothes.

During the whole process, Wei Wu just stared at the ring on his hand.

Feng Can rang the nurse's bell and asked them to show her if there was any serious problem.

Only the nurse on duty came over at this point, and Wei Wu was not a critically ill patient, so she only did some simple checks.

Wei Wu didn't cooperate or resist, and the inspection took a little effort.

During this period, Feng Can saw the scars hidden under her clothes, they were all old wounds, which had already healed, but at this moment, it made his heart ache.

He happened to see a few strange people looking for his brother, and heard their conversation by accident, so he knew what Wei Wu had done.

He once thought that it had something to do with him, not because of him, Wei Wu would not suddenly participate in any special operations, let alone disappear.

If it wasn't for him being useless, now Wei Wu is about to graduate from university and is heading towards the next stage of her life.

Complicated emotions surged, and he tried his best to restrain himself, not wanting her to see how jealous he was, so he turned his back.

After a while, a nurse's voice came from behind.

"It's okay, take a good rest, and you'll be discharged from the hospital tomorrow."

Wei Wu immediately jumped off the hospital bed and dragged him outside.

"Wait, Xiaowu, I'll go through the formalities."

Wei Wu still pulled him forward, as if he didn't listen.

After a lot of tossing, Feng Can finally took her out of the hospital. She was still as obedient as before, only pinching his ring-wearing finger, looking a little funny.

He tried to take her hand, but she didn't resist.

"I'll take you to our hotel for one night first, and I'll take you back to the capital tomorrow, is that okay?" He asked her opinion.

Wei Wu still looked down at the ring.

Just when he thought he couldn't get a response, she shook her head slowly.

"Yihe Building." A soft female voice sounded.

Feng Can was puzzled: "You want to go to Yihe Building? It's already very late, how about this, I'll accompany you tomorrow, now let's go back and rest, shall we?"

His voice slowed down unconsciously, becoming more and more gentle, and he looked down at her when he spoke.

In the past, he had to practice a bit to be able to do this, but now it is completely natural.

Wei Wu looked into his eyes, and after a few seconds of silence, she nodded slightly.

Feng Can finally showed his long-lost sunny smile.

He didn't notice that when Wei Wu walked forward, there was a moment of confusion in Wei Wu's eyes, and she turned her head to look at the dark park next to her.

There, a black shadow flashed past.

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