Chapter 1447

the other side.

After not coming back to live here for a long time, Qian Miao still has a small problem of recognizing her bed, tossing and turning until after one o'clock in the morning before falling asleep.

He held a pillow in his arms and snuggled up to it.

Not long after she fell asleep, the door opened.

Feng Xian pushed the door open and came in, seeing that she was sleeping peacefully, her eyes softened a lot.

He'd just come from the airport, just to be here by tomorrow morning, to sleep with her.

The woman's peaceful and stable sleeping face was exceptionally beautiful, and a sense of happiness filled his heart.

He bowed his head and kissed her, but woke her up.

Her eyes were sleepy, and she smiled brightly the second she saw him, her face was naturally resting on his palm, and she asked, "Am I dreaming?"

The man leaned closer and said softly, "Bite me and I'll know if I'm dreaming."

She opened her mouth to bite, but suddenly smiled.

"I know you're real, I can smell it."

She leaned on him like a kitten, rubbed her face against the socket of his neck, and murmured with her eyes closed: "Great, I can sleep well tonight."

There was indulgence in his eyes, and he gently combed her hair with his fingers: "Me too, I can finally sleep well."

When he was single, he felt that sleeping was his business, whether it was good or difficult to sleep, it was his business alone, but since he loved her, he realized that sleeping was a matter of two people.

"I brought you something to eat, all of which you like, do you want to eat?"

Needless to say, Qian Miao also smelled it, it was her favorite meat skewer.

"Yes." She rubbed her eyes and sat up.

Feng Xian picked her up, walked to the living room, and put her on the sofa.

As soon as the box is opened, the aroma of the meat is more evident.

Qian Miao's drowsiness was half gone, she took a bite and handed it to him, asking him to take a bite too.

"It's really delicious, no wonder there are so many people queuing up." He commented.

Qian Miao's eyes were serious: "You lined up to buy?"

"Well, soon, I bought it in ten minutes."

Her heart warmed up again, and she quickly approached his ear and said, "Thank you, Husband, I have a heart."

Her voice has never been that kind of sweet and pleasant, on the contrary, it has the air of a natural king, calm and powerful, wise and calm, but at this moment, when these words come out of her mouth, Feng Xian feels that this is the sweetest thing in the world the sound of.

"There is no thank you between husband and wife, my lady, remember, if you commit a crime next time, you will be punished..."

She blinked: "Punishment for what?"

The man smiled and lowered his head, kissed her lips unexpectedly: "That's it."

She slowly lowered her eyes and ate, seemingly concentrating, but she smiled with her arms around her mouth, happy and beautiful.

It was he who made her regain the cuteness and ease she had when she was thirteen years old, and it was he who made her take off her defenses at any time and act like a baby at will.

He was content to watch her eat, and took this time to take a shower.

Because he had to sleep for a while, Qian Miao didn't want to eat too much at first, and only got up to eat because he wanted to be with him, but this food is addictive, and it will disappear after eating.

Her mobile phone happened to be out of battery and was charging, so she picked up Fengxian's and played with it to pass the time.

His desktop is her photo, even the avatar of the game account.

She was the one who played this game with him. Before that, he used Feng Can's account to play it. Unexpectedly, he specially downloaded it on his phone.

Staring at the rigid photo, Qian Miao fell into deep thought.

Ten minutes later, Feng Xian came out of the shower, and saw that the living room was empty, and his mobile phone was on the table, playing music.

He walked over to pick it up and was about to turn off the music. When the screen turned on, he saw his brand new desktop.

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