His Wife Calls The Shots

Chapter 1448 Couple Screensaver

Chapter 1448

The screen saver changed from her photo to a Q version of a cartoon villain, with two eyebrows in the shape of an upside-down character, a cold look, and an apron around her waist. Holding the steaming breakfast in both hands, he looked at the bed, and a line of words flashed beside him: Brain, Brain, get up for dinner.

This moving picture is only half, because only a corner of the picture of the bed is exposed, so I don't know what the villain is seeing.

He naturally looked at the charging phone next to him, and when he pressed it, the screen lit up.

Looking at it, his smile is like a spring breeze.

Qian Miao's mobile phone has also been replaced with a dynamic desktop with the same style of painting. A Q-version girl is sleeping on the bed, with a little doll hooked on her feet, and there are also dolls piled up next to the pillow. It looks like a cute girl. When the picture moves, her eyes open for a second, and two words appear on the top at the same time: ah~

It was the little girl yawning.

Putting two phones side by side creates a complete picture.

The painting style of the whole theme is so cute that people can't help but twitch their mouths when they see it.

He looked at it for a while, and couldn't help but smile.

It was late at night, he closed the bedroom door, lifted the quilt and got in.

His wife had already warmed up the quilt, and the warm temperature wrapped him around him.

He stretched out his hand to grab her into his arms, and pressed his palm on her stomach: "Would it be uncomfortable to sleep after eating so much?"

Qian Miao actually felt sleepy as soon as he put it on. After hearing this, he just hummed perfunctorily, then closed his eyes and fell asleep again, with his hands resting limply on his stomach.

He grabbed her hand, held it gently, and kissed again, lovingly, looking at her sleeping face softly with doting eyes, as if he was very reluctant to close his eyes and go to sleep.

Ten minutes later, Qian Miao was already sound asleep, she saw something in her dream, she raised her lips and smiled happily like a child.

That night, both of them slept very well and comfortably.

When I woke up early in the morning, it was already nine o'clock in the morning.

The two had a simple breakfast and then went to visit Wei Wu.

Wei Wu was very obedient to Feng Can and did not intend to resist at all, which made them heave a sigh of relief.

But what cannot be changed is that Wei Wu still insists on going to Yihe Mansion to stay.

Qian Miao remembered what Uncle Security had said, saying that Wei Wu only obeyed orders from her superiors, so she tried to get them to pretend that they wanted to, and let Wei Wu go back to the capital on the pretext of a business trip.

They didn't have much hope at first, but it turned out to be true.

In the evening of that day, the four of them went back to Beijing together, but Lu Wanyu didn't go back with them.

The first thing after returning to Beijing was to take Wei Wu to show Qian Ru and the others.

Unexpectedly, as soon as Wei Wu entered the experimental base, she lost control, didn't even listen to Feng Can's words, and destroyed things everywhere.

Qian Miao guessed that the scene in the laboratory might have brought back memories in Wei Wu's heart, which made her so excited.

So, she asked someone to temporarily change the appearance of the base, and arranged it in the direction of the variety show, trying not to look like a laboratory.

This method really worked. When Feng Can led her out of the room, she no longer had the mania she had just now.

Qian Ru took her blood and kept it for examination, analyzing the drugs she had been injected in the past.

It was late at night, and the four left the base.

Although Wei Wu's relatives are still alive, she almost has no relatives. Those people didn't care about her life or death, even if she disappeared for two years, they never came to ask, so Qian Miao didn't think about contacting those people at all, and only planned to send Wei Wu to live with her first.

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