His Wife Calls The Shots

Chapter 1453 Diary

Chapter 1453

She wanted to deny it, but she couldn't speak after she opened her mouth.

That sour feeling is very strange, knowing that it is a very childish behavior, but can't escape its control.

Her response came slowly: "A little bit."

He smiled: "Only a little?"

After three seconds of silence, she couldn't help but also laughed, pressing her forehead against his warm chest, admitting the matter generously in her heart.

Well, she was jealous, and she was still jealous of a little girl less than one and a half years old.

He seemed to have detected Xiao Jiujiu in her heart, and said in a low voice: "I like your childishness, special, I like it."

This night, sleepless.


At the same time, Wucheng.

The lights are still on on the top floor of Yihe Building, and the four assistants in the assistant room are still working overtime seriously.

Lu Wanyu yawned, then turned to look at the four women beside her, admiring their concentration.

It's been a day of work, and I'm still so serious, it's not something ordinary people can do.

But soon, her admiration evaporated.

Looking closely, none of the four women were doing serious business.

The first one who is looking for celebrities is none other than her idol Cui Jinghuan.

She smiled, and said something tasteful in her heart.

The second one is working, that is, listening to music while making reports, the legs under the table shaking with the rhythm.

The third one was watching a video, and a work-related video was played next to it as a cover, very much like her who had absconded in class back then.

Lu Wanyu can actually understand them. After all, it is already late at this point, and most people have gone to rest. They have focused on work for another day, so it is normal to relax.

The line of sight continued to move, and suddenly stopped on the fourth assistant.

The assistant was the most understated among the four, with a standard gray professional attire, rigid curly hair, and a pair of black-framed glasses. At first glance, she looked like the kind of woman who was not easy to attract men's interest, but as long as she looked more At a glance, you will find that her skin is very good, and the exposed areas are very white, tender and young.

None of this is important to Lu Wanyu. The important thing is that this assistant is currently secretly writing a diary.

She must be too focused, or maybe she thought they were all working, so she opened a diary writing software and wrote it down.

The font is very small, but her seat is also close to her, so you can see it at a glance.

It was impolite to look at other people's diaries, but this diary had her name in it, so I couldn't help but keep reading.

【Lu Wanyu, a newcomer who just came to our assistant room, an airborne character, doesn't know what skills he has. In Yue Zong's place, she was treated differently. She could come and go in and out of Yue Zong's office at will, and she was not accused of being rude. I also heard her yelling at Yue Zong, but she was not criticized. I don't know why she, a newcomer who was airborne, was valued so much by Mr. Yue, probably because she was born good-looking. Now this world is completely an era of looking at appearances, and good-looking people are born with preferential treatment, but I didn't expect that , Yue Zong is also the kind of person who only cares about appearance.

That day Xiaoqing deliberately undressed to seduce him, he dismissed her on the spot and reprimanded her for such behavior in front of us. I thought he was not the kind of person who judges his face. Now it seems that it is probably because Xiaoqing is not beautiful enough. Although this Lu Wanyu was pretty, she was not stable at all. 】

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