His Wife Calls The Shots

Chapter 1454 This is a trap

Chapter 1454

【She doesn't seem to have any ability to work at all. I don't know why he likes it so much. He also arranges for someone to secretly deliver food to her, and deliberately prolongs the lunch break, all to accommodate this woman.

Alas, I'm disappointed. I thought he was a different person, and I planned to chase him. Now it seems that I should forget it. A person who looks at his face must have no connotation. 】

She wrote this paragraph slowly, with a troubled expression on her face.

Holding his head, he didn't know what to think, and suddenly selected all, deleting all the words he typed just now.

As soon as he turned around, he met Lu Wanyu's gaze.

Lu Wanyu knew that it was too late to pretend she didn't see it, so she apologized generously: "I'm sorry, I accidentally saw it."

The female assistant looked embarrassed and her whole body tensed up.

Lu Wanyu thought for a while and said, "Let me explain. Although I have a noisy personality, it has nothing to do with my ability. I can still handle these tasks."

"Yes, sorry."

After a hasty apology, she got up and ran to the bathroom.

It just so happened that it was time to get off work at this point, and the other assistants left one after another.

Lu Wanyu glanced at the bag next to her, planning to wait until she came back before leaving.

That kind of dull personality is used to keeping things in her heart, and she doesn't feel comfortable if she doesn't speak clearly.

But after waiting for ten minutes, the assistant still didn't come back.

Suspiciously, she got up to look for it, and finally, she heard soft sobbing in front of the CEO's office.

Why is this man crying?

so easy to cry?

It was as if she, Lu Wanyu, had bullied her.

The sobbing sound became more and more obvious, Lu Wanyu was straightforward, and wanted to talk to her about the diary.

Just then, the door to the president's office opened.

The female assistant got up in a panic, ready to run away.

"and many more."

A person came out of the door. From Lu Wanyu's perspective, he could only see half of his body, or his back.

The female assistant turned back.

Lu Wanyu subconsciously moved half a step behind the wall, planning to have a look before talking.

"Mr. Yue." She lowered her head and called softly.

"Why are you crying?" Cang Zeyue asked, standing upright without moving forward.

This made Lu Wanyu slightly surprised. In her impression, this man likes to act like a gentleman, but whenever a woman hums twice in front of him, even if it can be seen that she is acting, he will greet her face. Then enjoy the woman's praise and admiration for him.

Now... it seems a little different.

It's a bit closer to the Fengxian type.

The female assistant choked up and said with difficulty: "It's nothing, it's just Ms. Lu..."

"Miss Lu? What's wrong with her?" The man's voice sounded less lazy than before.

The female assistant suddenly shook her head desperately, and said while crying: "I know Miss Lu didn't read my diary on purpose. Although I think privacy is very important to a person, I don't think Miss Lu is the kind of person who intentionally invades other people's privacy. After all, how can a group as big as the Cang family hire people with bad conduct."

Lu Wanyu frowned when she heard that, she would have gone out angrily to confront her before.

These words sounded like they were all interceding for her, but at the same time they could convict her!

It's as if she deliberately invaded her privacy.

Thinking of this, Lu Wanyu's scalp tingled.

This...couldn't be a pit, right?

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