His Wife Calls The Shots

Chapter 1455 I've been looking at her all day long

Chapter 1455

Who would deliberately write a diary during working hours?

Moreover, after she finished writing, she selected and deleted them all.

Is it just to slander her for having a problem with her conduct?

Lu Wanyu's mind suddenly became clear, but she was not in a hurry to go out, let's see what else she could do.

The female assistant kept complaining: "Miss Lu definitely didn't do it on purpose. Her character should be fine. I think she's just too tired to do other things. I'm also at fault. I shouldn't be too focused on work. , I should stop her."

At this moment, there is only one word in Lu Wanyu's mind——


Fortunately, she thought this female assistant was cute just now.

She looked at Cang Zeyue.

He was silent for a while, then asked, "What do you want to say?"

The female assistant was obviously taken aback.

"Mr. Yue, I..."

"There are cameras in the office, you should know?"

The female assistant turned pale suddenly: "I... I... Yue Zong, I don't know why you mentioned this."

"I don't know why you do this to me." The man smiled lowly.

This smile is as cold as frost.

"Xiao Cui, you have been working here for three years."


"Then go to the financial department to pay three times the salary, and you don't have to come to work tomorrow."

The female assistant panicked: "Mr. Yue, I don't know what I did wrong. It's obvious that my privacy was violated..."

"I know exactly what she did in a day. You come here to confuse right and wrong, frame and slander, do you think I'm being fooled, or do you think your tricks are flawless?"

The female assistant's glasses fell to the ground: "I'm sorry Mr. Yue, I was wrong, I dare not, give me another chance, I will never dare again..."

"You want me to hire security?" the man said in a deep voice.

The cold breath quickly scared the female assistant to her feet, and she ran away crying.

When passing by Lu Wanyu, she paused and gave her a hard look before running out.

Most of Lu Wanyu's anger disappeared.

To be honest, this result was something she didn't expect.

This man, has this side?

Thinking about it, she looked up and met the man's gaze.

Remember what he said just now——

[There are cameras in the office]

[I know exactly what she did in a day]

A sentence flashed through her mind: "You won't be watching me all day, will you?"

He snorted, one third was arrogant, one third was disdainful, and one third was liking.

He stretched out his hand and beckoned to her.

"Come here and teach you something."

Lu Wanyu walked over suspiciously.

As soon as he got in front of him, his head was held down.

Annoyed, she took a step back: "What are you doing?"

The man had long hands, still pressing her head, rubbing it vigorously, and asked: "Are you really the boss of the Lu family?"

Lu Wanyu frowned: "What's wrong? You also doubt my ability?"

"Well, the ability to work is not bad, but people have no mind and are easy to be designed. You are not good at this, and you will suffer in the future."

Just as she was about to refute, she suddenly remembered what happened just now, and suddenly felt that her words were powerless.

"You are so powerful, it seems that you don't need my help, it's good, I won't come tomorrow."

She pulled away a smile, which was not on the skin.

"Aren't you happy to just say a few words about you?" He came up and put his arm around her waist, trapped.

Lu Wanyu turned to look at him: "Yes, I just don't like it."

His eyes were silent, and suddenly he smiled: "Since you are not happy anymore, it doesn't matter if I add more fire."

He bowed his head and kissed it.

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