His Wife Calls The Shots

Chapter 1459 Who else could be without her

Chapter 1459

An ambulance arrived quickly and carried the man away.

This incident shocked everyone, and even spread to other people's homes. It was rumored that the old man had suffered a stroke and was about to live soon.

After several hours of rescue, the doctor announced that the old man has become a vegetable, and whether he can wake up depends on God's will.

The incident spread like wildfire in upper-class circles, and it was quickly spread on the Internet.

Many false rumors broke out, and the Feng family seemed to be falling into turmoil again.

At eight o'clock that night after the incident, everyone in the Feng family had rushed back to thoroughly investigate the matter.

The old butler showed a side that no one had seen before, excited and crazy, pointed at Wei Wu angrily and shouted that she was a murderer.

"It's her! It was she who jumped down from the wall suddenly, and I just stood guard at the door for a few minutes, and when I turned around, I couldn't see her anymore, and the master fell to the ground, who else could be there if it wasn't her!"

"Uncle Xu, there's no real evidence to prove that she did it, so don't jump to conclusions." Qiao Shiwan said.

The old housekeeper was about to cry: "Second Madam, stop favoring her. This girl is not as pure as she appears on the surface. Who else is there besides her? Could it be me?!"

Feng Can protected Wei Wu, and said: "When Grandpa had an accident, she had been eating breakfast with me here, how can you be sure it's her?"

The sudden collapse of the old man made everyone feel heartbroken, but it cannot be concluded that it was Wei Wu who did it.

Feng Can even thought about whether this was the old man's new trick.

Because he watched Wei Wu enter the bathroom with his own eyes, and he came out within a few minutes, and it would take a few minutes to go to the main building from here, even if he ran.

Logically, it doesn't make sense at all.

Qiao Shiwan also remembered that she had been guarding the door all the time, and she knew Wei Wu's presence and absence very well, so she didn't believe the old housekeeper's words.

There is only surveillance on the gate side of Dongyuan, and there is no surveillance in the atrium of the main building on the old man's side. After everyone checked all the surveillance cameras, they did not find any evidence to convict Wei Wu.

The words of the old housekeeper became pale and weak.

Feng Can held Wei Wu's hand, protected her behind him, glanced at her, and signaled her to rest assured.

Wei Wu remained expressionless, as if the matter in front of her had nothing to do with her.

"Uncle Xu, did you see her attack my grandpa with your own eyes?"

The old butler's voice faltered, and he was suddenly speechless.

"This... At that time, the master asked me to retreat. Although I didn't see it, there were only the two of them inside. Once something happened to the master, she disappeared. Who else could it be?"

"That is to say, there is no evidence."

The old housekeeper was about to cry: "It's really her! Say it yourself! Miss Wei, tell me yourself, have you ever been there?"

Everyone looked at Wei Wu.

Wei Wu didn't respond.

Yu Huixi's family believed in the old housekeeper's words, but they had no evidence and couldn't figure out the logic behind it.

All of them had a bold and unfounded guess in their hearts: the old man was just pretending to drive Wei Wu away.

Or, to go deeper, let Wei Wu and Feng Can turn against each other.

But this idea was deeply buried in their hearts, and they didn't bring it up. After all, it was related to the old man's reputation, and there was no evidence, so it was hard to say.

Moreover, the old man was so opposed to Feng Xian and Qian Miao that he didn't use a similar method at the beginning, so how could he use it now?

After thinking about it like this, no one raised it.

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