His Wife Calls The Shots

Chapter 1460 Her sanity has been eaten away

Chapter 1460

In the end, the discussion came to nothing, and the Feng Yan brothers went to the hospital in person to guard the old man in case something unexpected happened.

As night fell, everyone in the house went back to their rooms for the time being.

This kind of thing happened to the old man, the atmosphere in the family was heavy, and everyone felt very sad.

Qian Miao listened to the whole process without interrupting, and carefully scrutinized everyone's expressions.

They were not at home at the time and had no idea of ​​the situation at the scene.

They are very clear about the behavior of the old housekeeper, and he is not the kind of person who would slander others.

But there was no blood at the scene, no traces of fierce fighting, just a chair fell over.

Could it be...

Thinking of a certain possibility, she turned her head to Feng Xian and said, "Let's go to the hospital tomorrow to guard Grandpa."

Feng Xian is in contact with a foreign doctor, and just finished a phone call.

Hearing this, he asked, "Do you have a clue?"

"Well... it's just a guess, I'll find out when I go tomorrow."

On the other side, Wei Wu became the key suspect and was watched heavily.

She didn't resist, just followed Feng Can's side without saying a word.

At this time, the night was quiet, only Feng Can and her were in the room.

Feng Can is undoubtedly the one with the most complicated mood.

When I came back from the hospital today, I saw my grandfather lying motionless on the hospital bed, and heard the doctor announce that my grandfather had become a vegetable. At that moment, his heart suddenly ached.

This accident happened too suddenly, and it also had something to do with Wei Wu.

At this time, he looked at Wei Wu's quiet face, and the doubts in his heart were suppressed and he couldn't speak them out.

He didn't want to doubt her.

The squirming in his heart made him ask that sentence: "Xiao Wu."

The girl slowly turned to look at him.

"Did you... go to the bathroom today?"

She nods.

He squeezed his palms and asked awkwardly, "Go to the bathroom, what are you doing?"

She looked at him silently, her eyes were neither flustered nor guilty, they were as pure as water.



Feng Can suddenly stared straight, with a sore throat in his throat: "Why... what?"

She blinked slowly, her every move looked like a robot.

"Kill, man," she repeated.

Feng Can felt extremely uncomfortable, as if a hand was pinching his heart, tearing it apart.

Moonlight, come in from outside.

At this moment, Wei Wu's eyes trembled, and she suddenly raised them.

A trace of sadness flashed across her eyes, and in the next second, it disappeared in an instant!

Suddenly, she attacked Feng Can!

Feng Can didn't care about the pain, and tried to stop her while avoiding her.

"Xiao Wu! What happened to you?!"

Wei Wu grinned suddenly, made a fierce voice, jumped up in an instant, and rushed towards Feng Can!

Feng Can didn't hit her, but she strangled her neck tightly.

Sadness and disbelief filled his eyes as he called her name.


The door was pushed in.

People guarding outside swarmed up, but none of them was Wei Wu's opponent.

Her eyes were full of murderous intent: "Kill!"

Everyone was alarmed, Qian Miao hurried over and stopped her.

Seeing how she was about to pounce on Feng Can with her hands bound, Qiao Shiwan was frightened and cried.

There was fear, helplessness, and sadness in that cry.

Qian Miao's eyes also turned slightly red, and she said: "We must send her away."

No one wants to admit it, but they have to admit that Wei Wu is actually the same as those experimental subjects who created the turmoil.

Her sanity has been eroded by drugs, if left unchecked, it will cause serious trouble.

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