His Wife Calls The Shots

Chapter 1487 The revenge of seizing love is irreconcilable

Chapter 1487

Afterwards, she turned her head and said to the servant: "Take her to wash and arrange it in the guest room for the time being."

"Yes, master."

After the maid finished speaking, she reached out to lead the child over.

Suddenly, the girl threw her away, and silently stood behind Bai Mucheng, her hands still holding onto his clothes, with a look of resistance from everyone but him.

Bai Mucheng showed displeasure, looked down at her, and didn't speak.

After a brief confrontation, the girl bowed her head silently, turned around and followed the maid.

Cang Zeyue and the two looked at each other in a daze.

"Mu Cheng, who is this child?" Bai Huacheng asked.

Bai Mucheng's face was extremely pale, and he said concisely: "The orphan in distress will be sent to the orphanage tomorrow."

"Orphan? Then how did she meet you? How did you bring her back?"

Bai Mucheng didn't intend to say more, but the accompanying assistant behind him talked too much: "Eldest young master, it's like this, the parents of this child died unexpectedly, but the young master happened to meet them, so he sent them to the hospital, but no one picked them up. Fortunately, the little girl was only slightly injured, and she has been clinging to the young master since she woke up, so the young master had no choice but to bring her back."

"I see..." Bai Huacheng smiled, "I'm afraid this child regards you as a reborn parent."

While the two were talking, Cang Zeyue accidentally saw Bai Mucheng's wrist, with a red circle, very conspicuous.

When she raised her eyes, she met Bai Mucheng's deep eyes.

"You have something to do with me?"

Cang Ze returned to his senses: "Well, let's talk after dinner, I think you are tired too."

"Come here."

Cang Zeyue nodded and followed.

Arriving at Bai Mucheng's private space, the surroundings were eerily quiet.

Only after the two of them walked in did they feel a little alive.

The sofa was pure white, spotless, nothing was placed on it, it looked empty.

"Sit down." Bai Mucheng reached out for a glass of water, handed it to him, and then poured himself a glass.

Cang Zeyue looked at the tiredness on his face, and asked a lot: "You really don't plan to find a woman who loves you? Look at you, how tired have you been for the past two years?"

The corner of his mouth curled up slightly, with a half-smile: "Why, you came to see me, do you want to introduce me?"

Cang Zeyue lowered his eyes, was silent for a while, and asked: "What is your relationship with my sister..."

"Don't mention her." Cang Zeyue interrupted him lightly, took a sip of water, his eyes were calm and indifferent.

"That USB flash drive was sent to her by you. What do you want to do?"

Bai Mucheng leaned back on the sofa, looked at him, and asked, "Did she ask you to come?"

"No, it's my brother who wants to share the burden for her. Do you know that her body has not fully recovered and is still under observation."

He was silent, and suddenly smiled: "This is out of my control."

Cang Ze became more and more confused about his thoughts, and felt like a different person.

He could even smell a faint smell of tobacco on Bai Mucheng's body.

He remembered that Bai Mucheng never smoked, but now...

His tone softened, and he said in a friend's tone: "Do you know what to do? Just treat it as if I owe you a favor, and tell me, is that okay?"

Bai Mucheng twisted the cup in his hand, rubbed his thumb lightly, and said slowly, "Did I send her a USB drive?"

"Isn't it you?" Hearing his tone, Cang Ze became more and more suspicious.

"If it's just for this matter, I'm sorry I have nothing to say, I'm a little tired, please go."

"Wait, Mu Cheng!"

He paused, and said, "You and Ah Xian, there is really no way to reconcile?"

With his back turned to him, Bai Mucheng couldn't see his expression, but his voice was very cold: "The hatred of love is irreconcilable."

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