His Wife Calls The Shots

Chapter 1488 I Can Smell Far Away

Chapter 1488

The sound of slow footsteps came, and that lonely figure also disappeared on the stairs.

Cang Zeyue frowned, feeling very powerless.

This was the first time that Bai Mucheng expressed his attitude so directly, which meant that their relationship would never return to the way it was before.

The result of today's trip was as expected.

Twenty minutes later, he had left Cang's house.

Upstairs, Bai Mucheng had just finished taking a shower, so he casually put on a nightgown and went downstairs to drink water.

The assistant came in and told him about tomorrow's itinerary, but was interrupted in the middle of the talk.

"Inform the alliance that from today onwards, the Cang family will be suppressed in an all-round way."

The assistant was startled, and nodded immediately: "I'll do it right away."

"Well, let's go down."

The assistant retreated softly, and the whole room returned to its usual, dead silence.

He has long been accustomed to this kind of lonely and cold day, and his heart is numb, as if he has no feeling.

The same silence, the same red wine, the same unemotional financial news.

This is his usual life.

Suddenly, an anxious voice came from outside.

"Hey, this is the second young master's residence. He doesn't want to be disturbed. You can't come here! You can't...ah!"

There was a roar, like a roar of a tiger.

Bai Mucheng looked out the window, just in time to see the maid screaming and taking a big step back, staggering down in the grass.

He walked out without haste, with a calm expression on his face.

The panic-stricken maid gave him a look for help.

"Go down." He said lightly.

The maid ran out in a hurry.

His gaze returned to the girl.

She didn't change her clothes, but just washed her face. It seemed that she was forced to wash.

After washing her face, her facial features are clean and bright, her eyes are quiet and clear, she is a beauty.

"How did you find this place?" He asked lightly.

She replied: "I can smell you, I told you last time, I can smell far away."

When the girl answered, her eyes showed uneasiness and careful affection.

She took a small step forward: "Can I not go to the orphanage? I will do a lot of things, let me stay."

Bai Mucheng turned around, walked towards the small bar indifferently, and left a sentence: "Tomorrow at seven o'clock, someone will take you there on time."

The starlight in the girl's eyes dimmed instantly.


Das Hotel.

Hei Ji led ten people into the hotel and arranged for work.

This afternoon's live broadcast had an effect. These people came from other places to apply for the job.

Among them, three management personnel and seven service personnel were recruited, most of whom were men.

In the afternoon, they lined up for interviews at the side door, and 30 people were rejected.

The news quickly spread through small channels.

After one or two hours of fermentation, it was posted in the comment area of ​​the related video.

After all, Das Hotel has been very popular in the past two days, and there are not many people who come to catch the heat.

They all shoot at the entrance of the hotel, and after shooting the short video, they put it on the Internet to earn traffic.

One of the most popular videos has more than 50,000 comments.

People who saw the video raised questions one after another——

【What's going on? Didn't you say that this hotel is noisy and no one is applying for the job? 】

[They are all lined up, it seems that there are really people who are not afraid of death. 】

[What to be afraid of, the most feared thing these days is poverty! 】

Under this comment, someone replied——

[You are wrong, I just came back from there today, the money given by Das Hotel is similar to other hotels, and it is very strict, more than 30 people have been wiped out! 】

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