His Wife Calls The Shots

Chapter 1489 It's not good! Oh no!

Chapter 1489

【what? Then why are there still people going? Not much money, business is not good, who will go? 】

[Now is now, and the future is the future. After all, the master has changed. I heard that there will be big moves in the near future, and I will definitely get up again. 】

[It's hard to say, I've watched the live broadcast for two days, and no one really stayed there. However, aside from that, the interior of this hotel is really beautiful. If it wasn't for that incident, I would definitely go. 】

[The live broadcast has also been going on for two days, and I haven't seen X shadow at all, it's all about scaring myself! 】

Someone immediately replied asking him to live there.

In short, over the past few years, the popularity of Das Hotel has crushed Laixi Hotel, but the turnover is the opposite.

Another day passed, and the situation of Das Hotel gradually improved.

Early in the morning, when Qian Miao woke up, he heard Heiji say that there were applicants for every position, and there were quite a few.

The manpower problem is solved.

She checked the live broadcast again.

As everyone's curiosity dissipated, there were not as many admit defeats as in the previous two days, and everyone just took a look.

At the Laixi Hotel, because the main activities are Internet celebrity hot dances and other activities, there are many audiences, so the daily online audience is increasing.

Another thing is that the rumors about Cui Jinghuan coming to record the show have intensified, and it is almost confirmed that he will be at the Laixi Hotel. Therefore, various short video authors who heard the news all booked rooms in advance and wanted to shoot something.

Soon, a problem arises, there are not enough rooms.

this is a good news.

Cang Lan immediately decided to cut down the orders transferred from Tang Yi and give up the room to the guests who took the initiative to book the room.

Not for anything else, just to prove her strength to Tang Yi.

She thought that in a few days, she would not have to rely on Tang Yi so much.

Sure enough, her wish came true soon.

Due to the huge influence of Cui Jinghuan and the fact that it is the peak tourist season here, the hotel's reservations have been booked until next month, and they are fully booked.

For this reason, she turned down all the orders transferred from hotels under the Tang Corporation, and it happened that Tang Yi checked into Laixi Hotel today, not long after he arrived.

She had someone prepare a good meal, and personally pushed the food delivery truck to knock on the door of the presidential suite.

The person who opened the door was Tang Yi's assistant. Seeing her, he asked, "What's the matter?"

With a businesslike tone, she didn't give her face at all.

Obviously, they only met when they signed the contract last time.

At this time, it was like a stranger.

Cang Lan squeezed her palms, maintained a decent smile, and said, "I heard that Mr. Tang is staying here, so I specially prepared these drinks and dishes. It's not respectful."

"Please wait."

The assistant went in to report with a blank expression.

After a while, he came out: "Our President Tang has no plans to eat at present, thank you for your kindness, please come back."


The door slammed shut without giving her a chance to speak.

She snorted and didn't pay much attention.

She knew that Tang Yi must be annoyed when she returned those orders.

She came here tonight to see how angry he was.

It's a pity I can't see it now.

She returned to her room in a good mood, but saw the assistant walking towards her anxiously.

"It's not good, Miss Lan!"

"What are you panicking, speak slowly."

"That's right. Five minutes ago, Cui Jinghuan officially announced that he will be staying at the Das Hotel next month, and that he will be filming a half-month variety show there!"


The news came crashing down like a mountain, and Cang Lan was stunned by the explosion.

"Go and confirm again, how is this possible!"


(Slap in the face, start, good night.)

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