His Wife Calls The Shots

Chapter 1513 It's Bai Mucheng

Chapter 1513

Qian Miao stepped forward and touched the incision, and opened it to see that there were slight burn marks on the incision.

"The robots did it," she concluded.

"Robot?" Black Chicken was surprised, "Who sent it?"

Qian Miao looked at Feng Xian and said, "You still remember what happened in the Dark Alliance a few years ago, when a group of robots appeared and wanted to rescue the Cold Lizard."

"Well, it's Bai Mucheng." Feng Xian didn't think about it.

His expression seemed calm and steady, but in fact, there was a cold and hostile air all over his body, obviously angry.

Qian Miao wanted to deny this answer, but she couldn't find an excuse to refute it.

Bai Mucheng has already personally admitted to her that he is one of that force.

At the beginning, when he appeared in the tunnel, the excuse was that he was working for the Blue Power Company to collect the robots. At that time, she believed it.

There is no other reason, just because she regards him as a relative and never thought of doubting him.

But two years ago, she was slapped in the face.

Bai Mucheng personally admitted that those people belonged to him, and he also admitted that he was one of the leaders of the New Humanity Project.

In addition, he knew Wei Wu's past like the back of his hand, and even sent her a USB flash drive, which is enough to show that he has nothing to do with these things.

"Bai? Young Master Bai?" Hei Ji was startled, a little afraid to speak.

He knew that the relationship between these three people was delicate, but he never expected that Bai Mucheng would send someone to assassinate Qian Miao.

"Boss, could it be a misunderstanding? Why did he kill you? I don't think it suits his temperament."

"It's him, and it's not him." Feng Xian said.

He didn't say much, he just said to Qian Miao: "I'll deal with this matter, you stay well."

Qian Miao grabbed him, eyes tightened, and asked: "You have always known about his illness?"

Feng Xian looked down at her, his eyes were calm, but there was a power that could see through everything.

He said: "Sickness is not an excuse to do whatever you want. If you don't stop him, the consequences will be more serious."

After finishing the words, he looked at Hei Ji: "Help me take care of her, I'll be back soon."

Hei Ji straightened his back: "Don't worry, I will do it if you don't tell me."

He hurried out the door, leaving Qian Miao in a state of confusion.

Black Chicken was curious: "Boss, what's wrong with Young Master Bai?"

Qian Miao sat down weakly, put her hand on her forehead and rubbed it slowly, and said, "Dual personality."

The black chicken was shocked and was unable to make a sound for a long time.

His memory went back to every moment of contact with Bai Mucheng in the past, and his mind gradually became clear.

"No wonder... no wonder he looks one way sometimes and another way!"

Qian Miao lifted her eyes, and looked at him with quiet eyes: "Have you noticed it?"

Heiji said while recalling: "I didn't think about it at the time, I just thought he was in a bad mood and changed himself, but the change was a bit big, and the hobbies were different, especially the eyes, which became the most obviously.

The Mr. Bai I know has a very gentle personality, even if he is angry, it will not be obvious, but several times, even if he is not angry, there is a sharp taste in his eyes, he is not angry, he is a completely different person look.

Also, boss, I found that when that person appeared, you were not there, as if he wanted to avoid you on purpose. "

"Boss, Young Master Bai probably doesn't want you to know the existence of another person."

Seeing that Qian Miao had been silent, he also knew that she was feeling uncomfortable, so he stopped talking.

A few minutes later, Qian Miao suddenly got up and walked out.

"Boss, where are you going?"

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