His Wife Calls The Shots

Chapter 1514 Go to see his psychiatrist

Chapter 1514

He chased them out.

As soon as he arrived at the door, he found a gust of wind hitting his face. He opened his eyes and saw that Qian Miao was no longer in the long corridor in front of him.

He hurriedly called Feng Xian.

"President Feng, the boss has gone out, I don't know if she went looking for you!"

"In my car." Feng Xian's calm voice came.

Black chicken: "?"

So fast? !

Just like this, what kind of protection does he need? The boss should protect him!


No matter how fast the car was, it was blocked by the long traffic jam.

Feng Xian's car was stuck in the middle, and there was no way out around him, so he had to wait slowly.

Qian Miao pressed his hand and shook it: "Is your anger gone?"

Yes, she was waiting for him to calm down.

Once a person gets angry, it is easy to lose his mind.

During the time of the traffic jam, it was just for him to calm down.

The man held her hand instead, held the corner of his lips, and was very gentle to her.

She saw the anger in his eyes.

"Check things out first, don't worry."

"Hmm." He responded.

The two were silent.

After a while, she asked, "You're still angry, aren't you?"


Qian Miao was speechless, but he was honest.

"I'm thinking, we don't have evidence now, it's not time to go to him."

"I won't go to him." The man held her lips again, "Don't worry, I have my own measure."

"Then who are you going to find?"

"His psychiatrist."

Qian Miao put her heart back to its original place.

She really wanted to talk to Bai Mucheng, but it was not the time yet.

When eating Japanese food that day, the note Bai Mucheng left her told him not to look for him.

Presumably, he also knew that his condition was not good, maybe she went to look for it, but the person she faced was not Bai Mucheng, but another person in his body.

What she is worried about now is that that person has done many things in Bai Mucheng's name, and Bai Mucheng is the one who is finally responsible.

If she and Feng Xian really went to settle accounts with him, they might fall into the trap.

An hour later, the car stopped in front of a private villa in the suburbs.

Feng Xian told her that this doctor's name was Su Yunjin, and that in the past two years, Bai Mucheng would occasionally come here to live for a day or two.

"Have you talked to him?"

"Well, it was rejected."

Qian Miao looked at him: "Then how is there any chance that he will meet us this time?"

Feng Xian pressed the doorbell, looked at her, and answered the inquiry inside: "Feng Xian."

The people inside were silent for a while, and then said, "Please come in."

The door switch is automatically opened.

Feng Xian led her in, and explained as she walked, "Do you still remember the Muganai couple?"

Qian Miao thought for a second, then remembered, it was a young couple who came here from country C a few years ago to beg her to heal their eyes.

"What do they have to do with this doctor?"

Feng Xian said: "They are friends. Mu Jianai came to you at the beginning, and he only found out through Su Yunjin. In other words, you don't know him, but he knows you very well."

Qian Miao nodded.

As soon as the two entered, they saw a young man come out with a handsome face and a temperament like the moon.

"Mr. Feng, Mrs. Feng, welcome to my humble house." He smiled and greeted politely.

Feng Xian said bluntly: "I want to ask Dr. Su about something today. Mr. Mu should have mentioned this matter to you."

Su Yunjin nodded: "This way please."

When he arrived in the inner room, he served tea and fruit snacks, and then sat down to chat with them.

"As a doctor, I will not disclose the patient's detailed information. This is my principle. Please understand. However, I can tell you that Mr. Bai himself has worked very hard to overcome this difficulty. He has been fighting all these years. However, the number of times he came to me became less and less."


(Good night.)

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