His Wife Calls The Shots

Chapter 1517 Chairman Bai, you have always known about his illness

Chapter 1517

"Bai Mucheng"'s eyes changed color quickly, and his smile suddenly became gentle: "Mr. Feng, there is something, let's sit down and discuss it?"

"Yes, or not?" Feng Xian's voice sank again!

"Bai Mucheng"'s smile gradually froze, his face turned pale, and he subconsciously raised his hands to hug his head.

Feng Xian narrowed his eyes slightly, but did not relax.

Qian Miao took a step closer, looking at the expression of "Bai Mucheng".

He was in pain, like a splitting headache.

Behind him, the little girl kept yelling because she couldn't get close.

Qian Miao was upset, as soon as she moved her hand, the girl stepped back another ten meters!

She met Feng Xian's eyes, and they both had the same thoughts in their hearts.

She tried to call out: "Brother?"

Feng Xian frowned and stared.

Bai Mucheng suddenly lost consciousness, and his hands dropped limply.

"What are you doing!"

A majestic voice came from behind, and immediately after, Bai Hanjie and others walked out from the door.

Seeing this, the little girl yelled: "Big brother was knocked out by them! They went too far!"

With his hands behind his back, Bai Hanjie approached slowly, sizing up Qian Miao and Feng Xian with a pair of sharp eyes.

"So it's you, what's the matter with you two coming to see me?"

As soon as Bai Hanjie finished speaking, two people stepped up and helped Bai Mucheng from Feng Xian's hand.

"Take it back." Bai Hanjie said.

The two nodded, and silently supported the person and left.

Bai Hanjie stared at Feng Xian, waiting for an answer.

"Chairman Bai, you have always known about his illness." Feng Xian used an affirmative sentence with an indifferent expression.

Bai Hanjie had an expression of "ignorant child", arrogant: "You don't need outsiders to take care of the family affairs, you so-called brother, if you alienate him because of a woman, you can't be regarded as a good brother. Now that you have become like this, keep your distance." , don’t provoke him.”

After all, he also looked at Qian Miao from the corner of his eye, there was a fierceness in it, and even disgust.

Qian Miao is not familiar with him, really not.

Although she had known Bai Mucheng since she was a child, Bai Mucheng never took her to meet with her family members, and even the Bai family seldom came.

She didn't know the specific reason in the past, but now she knows.

Although she was not familiar with him, when she was a child, she witnessed Bai Mucheng being beaten with her own eyes.

At that time, he stayed in Sheng'an Temple and did not leave. Bai Hanjie sent people to pick him up several times, but they couldn't pick him up.

Until one day, one car turned into three cars, and five people turned into more than ten people.

Those ten people protected Bai Hanjie and appeared.

At that time, Bai Mucheng pushed her away, but she was disobedient and hid aside to watch.

Seeing Bai Hanjie's gloomy face, when she approached Bai Mucheng, she kicked him and scolded him as a naughty son.

At that time, Bai Mucheng was still injured.

Thinking of this, she became furious.

"It's you who made him like this, isn't it?" She said directly.

Bai Hanjie's face changed suddenly, and he swept over with a sharp look: "You?"

This "you", the tone is mocking, as if to say: "What are you".

Qian Miao's face was cold, and she chuckled sarcastically: "It seems that I guessed right, this matter has a lot to do with you. You have put tremendous pressure on him since he was a child to let him escape from his true self, which has caused the current situation. look."

Bai Hanjie laughed loudly: "Daughter of Cang Ting, is that so rude and barbaric?"

He smiled and said, "Even if your two fathers came, they might not dare to question me like this! How rude!"

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