His Wife Calls The Shots

Chapter 1518 I will only apologize to the dead

Chapter 1518

Before Qian Miao could speak, the sound of a car stopping suddenly came from the side, and they turned their heads to look. The person who got out of the car was none other than Tang Yi, one of the "fathers" that Bai Hanjie mentioned just now.

I really answered the sentence: Say Cao Cao Cao Cao is here.

He is wearing a dark blue suit, which is very eye-catching, which does not fit the stereotype he usually gives.

"Brother Bai, what's the matter?" He said lightly.

Bai Hanjie snorted coldly: "After the daughter is born, she has to raise her. Although you are not her biological father, you can be regarded as her father who has been with her for several years. Take care of it!"

Tang Yi glanced at Qian Miao, as if he didn't care.

Said to Bai Hanjie: "I have something to discuss with my brother today, let's go in and talk about it."

Bai Hanjie sneered: "Why, are you reluctant? Or, you have long since disowned this daughter?"

He glanced at Qian Miao and said so on purpose.

Tang Yi was silent, then said: "This is a family matter."

"Family matters? Your daughter is so courageous. She accused me of abusing my son when she came up. I want to know why she is? Old Tang, I can make your Tang family fall down with just one word right now."

This arrogant momentum seemed to overwhelm Tang Yi.

Tang Yi said: "The downfall of the Tang family will not benefit the Bai family. Private matters are private matters. We have a clear distinction between public and private affairs. Only by cooperating can we last long."

With his slow voice, coupled with his majestic eyes, he regained his momentum in an instant.

Bai Hanjie refused to let go: "Let her apologize to me."

Tang Yi looked at Qian Miao.

Qian Miao tilted her head slightly and looked at him, her eyes were a little more arrogant than his: "I will only apologize to the dead."

These words seemed to be intended to anger Bai Hanjie.

She didn't intend to give him face.

This time, Bai Hanjie was even more angry.

After the atmosphere froze for a second, Tang Yi said, "The situation over there has changed, let's go in and talk."

"What are you talking about?" Qian Miao said lightly.

Tang Yi's lips moved, he didn't want to speak, but said: "It has nothing to do with you, go back."

"What are you plotting? Who sent the person who assassinated me?" She slightly pulled her lips, which seemed to be a smile, but in fact, it was scarier than a smile.

There is a knife hidden in the smile.

Tang Yi changed his face: "Assassination?"

Bai Hanjie snorted, "No evidence, no evidence."

"Two years ago, the people who were sent to attack me were ordered by the alliance. It is said that you suggested it at that time."

Bai Hanjie sneered: "Who are you listening to? Feng Xian, take care of your wife! Don't spit blood here!"

Feng Xian's voice was soft and slow: "Let her tell, I'm used to it."


Tang Yi slowed down at this moment: "Someone is going to assassinate you? Have you called the police?"

"The police are useless. Some people just defy the law and life, and even use their own son." She stared at Bai Hanjie.

At this time, Bai Hanjie stopped talking nonsense with her, and said in a deep voice: "Teach me a lesson for this ignorant wild girl!"

The entourage behind him glanced at Tang Yi, hesitated for a second, and then hugged him forward.

Qian Miao looked at Feng Xian who was about to strike, and said softly, "Let me do it, it just happens to be very hot."

When the words fell, when those people approached, they were blown away by her in the blink of an eye, and they all fell down!

This scene shocked Tang Yi, Bai Hanjie and others.

Tang Yi suddenly remembered the news of that day. On that day, Lin Wenyu entangled Qian Miao at the airport, but suddenly flew several meters away strangely, fell slightly broken, and lay in the hospital for several days.


(No more updates today, good night.)

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