His Wife Calls The Shots

Chapter 1519 I make a wish, and my wife Qian Mi...

Chapter 1519

At that time, Lin Wenyu kept saying that Qian Miao did it, but he still didn't believe it.

Because, when the camera caught it, Qian Miao didn't do anything at all.

At this time, this scene made him begin to question himself.

In addition to shock, Bai Hanjie also had deep thoughts in his eyes.

Qian Miao took a step forward and stared at him: "Chairman Bai, you look very curious, do you want to taste the feeling of falling?"

Bai Hanjie didn't seem to hear much, he snorted, then turned around and left with a snort.

The group followed him back.

After Tang Yi glanced at Qian Miao, he hesitated to speak, his eyes were complicated, and after a while, he followed Bai Hanjie's footsteps and walked back.

"Let's go, go back first." Feng Xian took her hand.

Her anger had been suppressed, and she nodded in agreement: "Yeah."

After that day, until the end of the match with Canglan, there was no one who assassinated her again.

Feng Xian asked her to focus on the hotel first, while Bai Mucheng would take care of him.

She obliged.

On June 21, the weather was fine and the air was a little stuffy.

Today happens to be her birthday.

When she opened her eyes and woke up, she smelled a fragrance, right next to her pillow.

There is a circle of roses around the pillow, dyed with a few strands of golden brilliance, which is romantic and eye-catching.

The man's hand stretched out to hug her, and his soft lips put a sticker on her face: "Happy birthday."

Qian Miao smiled sullenly, turned and shrunk into his arms, squinting comfortably: "It's 24, time flies so fast."

This casual rant reminds the man of his age.

After his birthday this year, he will be twenty-nine.

Really fast.

"I have a birthday wish." He tightened his strength slightly, his eyes showing doting.

"It's my birthday, what do you wish for?" she laughed.

"Is it okay to borrow my wife's light?" he said softly.

Qian Mi raised her head, thought for a while, and said, "Okay, I'll borrow it from you."

Feng Xian raised his lips: "I make a wish, and my wife Qian Miao, although not born on the same day in the same year and month, but please, the same year, the same month and the same day, we will die."

Qian Miao was startled, her face was against his chest, and she was speechless for a while.

After a long time, she said: "My birthday wish is very simple."

The man looked down at her, patiently.

I saw her approaching his ear and only said two words, which made the man smile a little bit ashamed.

It was a shame for her.

Suddenly, the man turned over and pressed down, his voice soft: "Okay, I will fulfill your wish for my husband."


Early in the morning, the birds stood against the window, looking into the room and shyly.


At ten o'clock in the morning, the large conference room on the top floor of Yihe Building.

Today's main topic is to decide on the position of president, and the meeting starts at 10:30.

Feng Xian escorted her to the door of the company, and after watching her walk in, turned around and left.

The black chicken stood beside him the whole time, silent, feeling like a giant light bulb.

Especially when the two hugged just now.

At this moment, he took a peek at Qian Miao's neck, and after seeing some reddish ambiguous traces, he couldn't help but tease: "Boss, you will also be conquered one day, huh."

He held back a smile.

Qian Mi: "Which eye did you see that I was conquered?"

Heiji pointed to his eyes: "I saw both eyes. You smiled at Feng Xian so softly just now, like a flower, and you said that you were not conquered?"

Qian Mi sneered: "That's the master who conquered him."

After he finished speaking, he walked into the elevator.

Heiji couldn't help but snicker: "I don't know, who said he didn't like him back then."

Qian Mi squinted and said, "When did I say that?"


The black chicken scratched his head and suddenly couldn't remember.

He was stunned and asked, "Ah? Could it be that you liked him from the beginning?"

With a ding, the elevator door opened, interrupting them.

The two of them lifted their eyes to look, and there were two people standing outside, one was Cang Lan, and the other was Vice President Tong Xu.

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