His Wife Calls The Shots

Chapter 1528 Get Tang Qianmiao's Blood

Chapter 1528

Feng Can was puzzled: "I often watch the surveillance, but I didn't see the only one."

Feng Xian didn't say anything, but hurried footsteps suddenly came from the other end.

"It's not good! Mr. Feng Can, Miss Wei is gone!"


"Brother, I won't tell you now!"

Feng Can hastily hung up the phone, but there was no news from here.

Qian Miao immediately contacted the people who were arranged near the hospital and asked them to pay attention.

The couple looked at each other and walked into the bedroom together.

The only one has already made the bed, every place is neat, there is not a single crease.

"Mom and Dad, you lie down quickly, and I will give you a massage in a while so that you can fall asleep."

Qian Miao hummed and wanted to lie down.

Feng Xian stretched out his hand to stop him, and lay down on the bed first: "Press me first."

The only one who didn't refuse: "Okay!"

He pressed Feng Xian's arm very seriously, there was nothing strange about it.

After Qian Miao thought about it in secret, she also lay down and turned off the light.

The only one with night vision function, you can see it without turning on the lights.

After a long time, he called "Mom", but no one answered.

He called Dad again, but Feng Xian didn't answer him.

Qian Miao felt that he jumped off the bed, and did not make a sound.

She and Feng Xian faced each other, and the thin moonlight allowed them to see each other's eyes.

At this moment, Feng Xian turned over and sat up suddenly, and when Qian Miao turned on the light, he turned around and saw him fighting with the only one.

A needle tube fell on the ground, it seems to be used for blood collection!

When she got angry, she stretched out her hand to control Wei Yi.

The only dull expression looked at her.

She slowly raised her hand, and the only body a few meters away also slowly rose.

This ability to control objects from a distance is beyond the only cognition.

Blue light shot out of his eyes, and he was identifying her moves, and then looking for a way to crack them.

A few seconds later, exclamation marks lit up in his eyes, indicating that the recognition failed.

Qian Miao frowned and closed her eyes. In the blink of an eye, her five fingers tightened slightly, and with a bang sound, the main control panel in the sole chest was destroyed, and she was forced to sleep.

Qian Miao also slowly put him down.

"Take this opportunity to recall his memory." She said.

To control the robot, he can only let him agree that she is the master.

After a while, Luo Yan also came here from the guest room.

The only one was jointly developed by him and Qian Miao, and it can be modified easily.

In less than an hour, the only one can restart.

There is a stereoscopic projection in his eyes, showing the memory images in the chip to the three of them.

That was the memory of when she and Wei Wu went on mission together two years ago!

Lurking, being discovered, outnumbered, Wei Wu had no choice but to surrender until someone from Cao Li's team was taken hostage.

Afterwards, the only one followed in the past to save people, but fell into a trap by mistake until the power was exhausted.

After that, it was locked up with those of the Blue Power Company until it was transformed by engineers.

The latest is today's picture.

Wei Wu appeared!

In the picture, her eyes are still dull and dull, holding a needle in her hand, she said to him: "Go and get Tang Qianmiao's blood, there is no room for loss."

The screen ends here.

Qian Miao was speechless for a long time.

She didn't expect that Wei Wu would become the only master.

Moreover, let him come to take her blood.

Feng Xian seemed to see through her mind, and said slowly: "Maybe it's to cover up his identity, so he sent Wei Wu to deal with these matters, so that even if the robot mission fails, Wei Wu will stand in the way, and they won't be involved."


(Good night.)

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