Chapter 1529

"The person who controls Wei Wu must be found out, she looks like she is clearly controlled by someone." Qian Miao murmured.

At this moment, Feng Xian's phone rang.

Both of them thought it was Feng Can's call, but when they picked it up, they found it was old man Feng.

Qian Miao was shocked, and faintly connected the matter with Wei Wu.

Feng Xian took his time and turned on the phone's hands-free.

Seeing this, Luo Yan took the only one and retreated silently.

"Grandpa." Feng Xian called faintly.

The other end was silent for a while, then smiled: "You sound like, why are you not surprised that I will call you?"

Feng Xian's voice was calm and gentle: "Since grandpa wants to act, it doesn't matter if I accompany you."

"You kid, did you know that I was pretending to be sick from the beginning?"

Qian Miao looked at Feng Xian's face, he smiled at her and shook his head.

Unhurriedly returning to the old man over there: "No."

"Oh." The old man sighed softly, "If you have time, come back quickly and bring your wife back with you. I have something to tell you."

Qian Miao's crimson lips parted lightly: "Grandpa, I'll be right next to you, if you have something to say, feel free to say it."

The old man: "Uh."

You could feel his embarrassment over the phone.

The old man coughed to cover up his embarrassment, and he only said to Feng Xian: "The matter is complicated, so I'll make a long story short. The reason why I'm pretending to be sick these days is because of Wei Wu's request.

That day when she came to me, she wanted to kill me at the beginning, but at the critical moment, she suddenly changed into another person, grabbed her own hand, and told me to run away, and later, let me pretend to be dead, so that I could escape.

She came to my place just now, and she clearly didn't know that I was faking it, so I guessed that she must have been bewitched. "

"A trick?"

"It's either voodoo, or hypnosis, but hypnosis doesn't have such a strong action. I can't explain the details to you on the phone, but in this world, there are indeed people who can control others through voodoo, it's all about their skill level."

Qian Miao: "Why did you wait until today to talk about these things? Besides, why are you preventing me from letting me in?"

The old man was silent.

"You child... you are careful, if you come in, you won't see through my pretending to be dead?"

Qian Miao: "Then why did you take the initiative to tell us now?"

"Why are there so many?!"

Feng Xian: "Grandpa, if you don't explain clearly, it will be hard for us to trust you."

The old man was depressed: "I can still harm you!"

"There is a criminal record, out of caution, you have to ask clearly." Feng Xian said calmly.

The old man is depressed again!

He didn't want to say that he did this after listening to that girl Wei.

He just said: "Since I promised her, I will do what I say. I will tell you tonight because she has been here. I think something should happen. You should pay more attention."

The old man didn't give them a chance to say more, so the phone was hung up quickly.

Thinking about the old man's words, the two of them were skeptical about the idea of ​​laying down a gu, and immediately decided to rush back to the capital to deal with the matter.

Unexpectedly, they received a message from Feng Can before they even booked a ticket.

[Brother, Wei Wu is going to Wucheng, I have to get on the plane soon, you go to the airport to guard. 】

The two set off immediately and rushed to the airport.


Around the airport late at night, it was extraordinarily quiet and eerie.

A person quickly shuttled through the wild grass, stepping on the sharp-edged stones with bare feet, without humming.

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