His Wife Calls The Shots

Chapter 1530 kill yourself

Chapter 1530

She jumped up suddenly, kicked lightly on a smooth boulder, jumped several meters into the air, and then plunged into the dense forest.

Deep in the dense forest, there is a dilapidated wooden house abandoned by the forest guards. It has been unoccupied for many years, but there is not much dust on the floor in front of the door.


After a sudden sound, a figure descended from the sky, knelt on the ground on one knee, and stood up slowly.

She is petite and has dull eyes, looking at the door quietly.

Suddenly, she muttered a few words: "It's time."

At the door, there was no one there.

After another five minutes, there was finally a movement, but that person flashed in from outside the door.

Under the moonlight, I saw a tall figure wrapped in a black cloak standing beside her, with his back to her.

The man was tall and well-built, about as tall as two of hers.

"Where's the blood?" A cold voice sounded.

The voice was terrifying, with a hoarseness that was part of the femininity, like a patient who had been ill for a long time, it really didn't match his burly figure.

Wei Wu had no expression on her face, she was dull and lifeless, and calmly narrated: "The only one didn't come, the mission failed."


The man let out a low cry, grabbed it with his hand, and a wave of energy gushed out from his palm, hitting Wei Wu's stomach directly. She couldn't resist, she took a few steps back suddenly, and was forced to half kneel on the ground, with a trace of blood oozing from the corner of her mouth.

The face that was fairly normal just now was already pale.

She didn't speak.

The man played with the jade beads in his hand, and said darkly: "If I don't want to show up at this time, there is no room for you, and you have a heavy responsibility but I have high expectations. This small matter can't be done well. It's useless to keep it!"

After finishing speaking, he waved his sleeve suddenly, and shouted: "The last task, kill yourself, commit suicide!"

"Take orders." Wei Wu did not hesitate.

The man didn't stay for a second, and disappeared in front of her with a whoosh.

The moonlight is like washing, shining bright and transparent around the dense forest.

A hundred meters away, there is a high cliff.

She walked out of the wooden house slowly, walked towards the cliff without stopping, muttering a few words: "Suicide...suicide..."

"Xiao Wu!"

She paused.

As soon as the screen changed, not far away, the three of Qian Miao were walking towards this side quickly.

Feng Can lived in the front, still wearing a military uniform, his face was full of anxiety, because he was sweating profusely from running for too long.

Seeing this, Qian Miao stretched out her hand to stop Feng Xian, and said, "Look first."

Feng Xian agrees.

The two stopped not far away, and only asked Feng Can to check on Wei Wu.

Suddenly, she felt something was wrong, and suddenly looked to the side and rear. This time, there was nothing but a small wooden house.

Feng Xian: "What did you find?"

Qian Miao frowned: "Besides her, there was another person here just now, and this person is unusual, he moves very fast!"

"Right around?"

"No, at least one kilometer away, he seemed to be ringing a bell, and he was coming this way!"

She raised her eyes to look at him, the two of them were in a tacit understanding, did not speak, and quietly paid attention to the movement around them.

At this moment, the front suddenly started to fight.

Wei Wu insisted on walking towards the end of the cliff, but Feng Can had no choice but to use force to stop her, which aroused Wei Wu's resistance, so she raised her hand regardless.

With great strength, Wei Wu grabbed his arm and swung him to the side.

Hearing a bang, Feng Can bumped into a tree, but he didn't let go of Wei Wu's hand because of it.

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