His Wife Calls The Shots

Chapter 1531 That person's ability is similar to that of Qian Miao

Chapter 1531

He was in pain: "Xiaowu, look at me, I'm Feng Can, look at me!"

He roared vigorously, but there was no trace of emotion in her eyes.

In the past, once she saw him, her eyes would light up and the corners of her mouth would turn up, but now it was as if she didn't know him at all.

"Xiao Wu!"

Feng Can endured the pain of the wound being torn open, tried to hold her hand, stepped forward to hug her: "It's me, look carefully, it's me..."

Wei Wu showed no expression, she clenched her hands into fists, and beat Feng Can's back without hesitation.

At this time, Qian Miao and the others also noticed the disturbance nearby.

"Here comes the man," she said.

When the bell sounded twice, Wei Wu suddenly stopped beating.

Feng Can looked at her, but found that her eyes began to shift, looking at Qian Miao over there.


After a word came out, she suddenly jumped up alone.

Feng Can gritted his rear molars and tried his best to stop her. After a few moves, he could barely hold on!

"She is your good sister, why are you going to kill her! You wake me up!" Feng Can felt distressed and angry.

Wei Wu's strength is not something ordinary people can match, no matter how strong a man is, he can't stop her for a long time.

Soon, Feng Can was pushed away and fell hard to the ground. Wei Wu randomly picked up a stone and threw it at him. He dodged in time and was about to get up, but it was already too late.

At the same time, Wei Wu jumped up and slashed towards Qian Miao with one hand.

And here Qian Miao and Feng Xian have been concentrating on discerning the mysterious person's position since just now, when Wei Wu rushed over, Qian Miao's eyes also showed clarity.

With a swish, Qian Miao shifted shape and disappeared in front of her.

With a bang, Wei Wu fell to the ground, and a look of bewilderment appeared in his eyes.

The leaves rustled, and there were two figures chasing in the air.

Feng Xian caught that person's figure at such a fast speed that it was beyond human reach.

Moreover, that person's ability is similar to that of Qian Miao, he can teleport and fetch objects from afar!

Feng Xian assisted Qian Miao, using the branches as throwing knives, and launched a fierce attack on the tall figure.

Soon, sharp branches stained with silver liquid fell.

There was a loud explosion in the air, and then, the two figures separated back at the same time, and one of the black figures disappeared in a flash.

Qian Miao then fell to the ground, her body was shaken by the aftermath, and she fell back a few steps, but fortunately Feng Xian arrived in time to support her waist.

In a second, she felt movement behind her, and the moment she turned around, she saw Wei Wu coming towards her with a heavy fist!

Things happened too quickly, without giving Qian Miao any time to react.

However, a second later, a figure flew out from the side and stood in front of Qian Miao.

Wei Wu's fist landed heavily, hitting Feng Can's body.

Blood spurted out, staining the face red.

At this moment, Qian Miao's heart and mind were empty, and she panicked.

Feng Can fell on Wei Wu's body, blood was oozing from the corner of his mouth, and his resolute face was blurred by blood.

But his hands are trying to grab Wei Wu's arm, calling her name: "Xiao Wu, look at me, we are your friends, wake up, Xiao Wu... look at me..."

Feng Xian stepped forward with a dark face, and wanted to send him to the hospital, but suddenly a slender hand grabbed his wrist.

The two looked at the girl in front of them.

In her pair of godless eyes, a teardrop gushed out at this moment, and she looked at the scene in front of her in shock and sadness.

Suddenly, she knelt down, supported Feng Can's body with both hands, and let out a shrill cry.

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