His Wife Calls The Shots

Chapter 1532 Exposure

Chapter 1532

At this time, Qian Miao also saw a small black spider crawling out from the back of her neck, fell to the ground, and wanted to crawl into a pile of leaves.

Anger burned in her eyes, and the spider was instantly torn apart by invisible forces.

As the old man said, Wei Wu was bewitched!


The nightly news in Wucheng suddenly broke in with a piece of news.

Host: "The latest news, a flying person was suddenly photographed above the Feiyun Bridge tonight. The specific reason has not yet been found out. This station will continue to follow up and report."

In the screen, there seemed to be two figures jumping above the bridge. One was lightning fast and passed by in a flash, and the other was as light as the wind, flying across the bridge as if under pressure.

And below, a car is speeding up.

The camera did not capture the face of the mysterious man, which added a bit of weirdness to the incident.

The person who followed behind and wanted to take a photo was thrown away after a short time, and the two people had long since disappeared.

Feng Xian shook off those people and drove quickly to the hospital.

Qian Miao's speed was faster than his car, and when his car arrived halfway, Feng Can was already lying on the operating table.

After three hours of rescue, there was no danger, and his life was saved, but his body was still very weak and he was seriously injured.

In the ward, Feng Xian comforted his parents.

Wei Wu squatted in front of the ward door and wept softly, beside Qian Miao who accompanied her.

Qian Miao hugged her to comfort her: "It's okay, he won't blame you, he will be very happy if you wake up, and he won't be willing to leave this world, so you have to live well until he wakes up, you know? "

She was very worried that Wei Wu would blame herself too much and do stupid things.

When she was in the forest just now, she saw that Feng Can's condition was serious, and there were signs of suicide at that moment.

Wei Wu burst into tears continuously: "It's all my fault... It's all my fault... I'm too weak, it's my fault..."

"Listen to me, he won't blame you, you know? Huh?" She held Wei Wu's face in her hands, wiped away her tears, and looked at Wei Wu sincerely.

Hope she can listen to it.

She knew that Wei Wu's emotions were chaotic and her heart was like a knife, and she could empathize with her.

But no matter how sad it is, it doesn't help.

"The doctor said just now that his life is not in danger. You heard it too, didn't you?"

Her voice and tone are soft, coaxing her like a big sister.

Seeing this, Lu Wanyu, who rushed to see this, burst into tears suddenly, the words stuck in her throat and she couldn't speak, so she could only hug Wei Wu to comfort her.

One night later.

At nine o'clock in the morning of the next day, an excited shout came from the ward, bearing Feng Can's name.

Wei Wu raised her eyes slowly, wanting to go in, but dared not.

Qian Miao opened the door for her, and said softly to her, "Ah Can wants to see you."

Behind her, Qiao Shiwan seemed to have swollen eyes from crying.

As the mother of the child, she passed out twice last night, and now she is haggard.

As soon as Wei Wu saw her, she subconsciously didn't dare to look at her. The tears had already been shed, but the guilt in her heart became heavier and heavier.

"I'm sorry, Aunt Wan, I hurt... him." She choked up.

With her knees bent, she knelt down in front of Qiao Shiwan.

Qiao Shiwan squatted down slowly, stroking her face with her hand, very gentle: "They have already told me that you can't help yourself, so don't blame yourself, Aunt Wan can tell the difference."

"The person Ah Can wants to see the most right now is you, you go in, if he sees you, he will heal faster."

Wei Wu cried and nodded, and walked in cautiously.

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