His Wife Calls The Shots

Chapter 1533 Belated Confession, I Love You Too

Chapter 1533

Everyone in the ward retreated silently, leaving space for the two of them.

Feng Can kept his eyes on the door, and when he saw that petite figure slowly walking in, he showed a weak smile, like a sunny day after the haze cleared.

His hand slowly stretched out, trying to touch her.

The girl squatted in front of the bed, she didn't dare to stretch her hands forward, her tears were pouring down like rain, she didn't dare to look at him for a while.

"It's great that you're back, it's worth it no matter how badly I've been hurt," he said.

The girl in front of him didn't speak, she pursed her lips and shook her head, tears dripping down on the back of his hand.

"I'm sorry..." She sobbed, losing control of her emotions.

Feng Can is no longer the shy boy he was back then. He held her hand generously and said to her slowly: "I want to hug you, but I can't move. Can you give me a hug?"

Wei Wu couldn't hold back her emotions any longer, and cried on the bedside, tightly holding his hand.

She was afraid he was going to die, terribly afraid.

She hated herself, loathed herself even more, and couldn't forgive herself.

Suddenly, a very light, very light hum came from my ear.

The man hummed a fresh and gentle tune. The very warm melody, like the spring sunshine breaking through the ice, slowly poured into her heart.

She slowly raised her head and looked at him.

Tears were wiped away from his eyes with his hands.

He said softly: "During the two years you disappeared, I wrote twenty-three songs for you, and I hummed them to you one by one."

His bright and beautiful smile made her immediately see the boy from back then.

That sunny, upright, innocent and clean boy.

That, the boy she had loved carefully for a long time.

She nodded.

He slowly raised his lips and said, "On the evening of June 8, 2021, at nine thirty-four, do you remember what date it is?"

"Remember," she said with a choked voice, "it was the day I confessed my love to you. At that time, I almost exhausted all my courage."

He said slowly: "That was the happiest night I've had in the past eighteen years, and I love you too, Xiaowu."

This formal response, after more than a thousand days and nights, was finally able to tell her personally.

Wei Wu was dazed for a long time, laughing and crying again, crying and laughing.

Feng Can wiped away her tears, and said with a smile: "Fool, don't cry, kiss me, I've had enough of my brother's dog food, and the two of us will pay them back double in the future."

She managed to be amused.


That night, Wei Wu's mood had been recovered, and the first thing she did was to tell them about her experiences in the past two years.

Facing their gazes, she didn't explain in detail what happened to her being captured after she left the mission, but simply summarized it.

"After I was taken away, the only one came to save me, but there were too many traps there, the only one was attacked by them, and finally lost the battery and stayed there.

Later, I was controlled by their Gu and became an experimental subject. My daily task was to test medicines, but those medicines had no effect on me, so they changed my mind and asked me to capture the escaped experimental subjects.

I was completely controlled by them, and I was awake only occasionally, but only briefly. "

She paused, then continued: "Later, when I was awake, I sneaked into their laboratory to take away their research, but I accidentally overheard their plan.

It's a pity that they also found me. After I made a fuss, they were subdued and hypnotized and brainwashed to continue to control me. "


(Good night.)

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