His Wife Calls The Shots

Chapter 1556 Moreover, it's still my first love

Chapter 1556

Xu family.

A young woman was watching the news on her mobile phone, and after seeing the report from Qian Miao and the rescue team, she couldn't help but pat her husband next to her.

"Hey, husband, is this woman your high school classmate?"

The man on the side took off his glasses, and after seeing Qian Miao, he smiled: "Yes, and, besides, it's still my first love."

"What?!" The young woman was annoyed, "Xu Youzheng, please explain to me clearly!"

Xu Youzheng spread his hands: "She is so excellent, it's normal for me to like her, okay, and I'm not the only one who likes her, it's a pity, I'm not qualified, if I can be as good as Brother Feng Xian, I will definitely not give up."

A pillow was thrown, and the young woman grabbed her ears immediately after, "Say it again!"

A fat beating is a must.

The camera turned and came to Yu's house in Country A.

The epidemic situation in country A is not optimistic, and every household can not go out without going out.

A few days ago, Yu Manman was called home by his family and was not allowed to stay outside any longer.

At this time, she saw the news of the rescue team, and immediately jumped out of bed and ran to tell her family that she would also set up a rescue team to rescue the epidemic in her country.

The parents laughed when they heard this, and said, "Haven't you always been at odds with her? Why do you want to imitate her now?"

Yu Manman looked embarrassed: "Who said I imitated her? Besides, she... this way is very good, there is nothing wrong with imitating..."

That night, among Qian Miao's Weibo fans, there was an extra Yu Manman.

Above her, there are many people, including Zhang Xuela.

At the beginning, Zhang Xuela was hidden in the snow because of killing someone, but later she repented, took care of Wei Wu with all her heart, and even apologized sincerely, and finally got a chance to be on the show from Qian Miao, which was the filming with Cui Jinghuan file live program.

With that show, she also made a successful comeback. Although she has not yet returned to her heyday, she is still rising step by step.

She has also become humble and polite, and she arrives ahead of time when filming, and she no longer plays big names like before.

During this epidemic, she donated five million yuan and won a lot of goodwill.


On the other side, a certain room of the Shi family has a picture with a different style of painting.

Lin Wenyu went crazy, and kept stabbing a villain's stomach with a thin needle.

The little man had the words "Tang Qianmiao" written on his stomach.

"Go to hell, go to hell!" She stared and stabbed the villain with needles.

On the other side, there was a little man covered in needles, with Feng Chuchu's name written on it.

Just then, the door was pushed in.

In a panic, she immediately pulled the quilt to cover those things.

Turning his head, he saw Shi Chengan's indifferent face.

He didn't think of her as a person at all, and went to the thing in the drawer on his own as soon as he came in, without even looking this way.

She saw that he was dressed neatly, and his style had changed back to the fresh look before, and her heart tightened suddenly.

So, when he was about to go out, she hurried to the door to block his way.

"Where are you going!" She looked at him nervously.

"Go away." He squeezed two words out of his teeth.

"I don't want it! You must have heard that Feng Chuchu is back, so you are going to find her, right! I won't let you go out!"

She hugged him crazily and forcefully, tears welling up: "Chengan, I was wrong, I know my methods are despicable, but I really did it because I love you, Chuchu doesn't love you as much as I do , if she loves you, why would she delay you for so many years? Let's live a good life, shall we?!"


(good night)

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