Chapter 1557

Shi Chengan shook her away forcefully: "Don't touch me with your dirty hands! Don't mention Chuchu, you don't deserve it!"

He left her ruthlessly. Did not look back.

Lin Wenyu cried like a madman.

After a long time, she stood in front of the mirror, and suddenly saw a few white hairs on her sideburns, and a look of pain appeared on her haggard face.

In the past two years, she has gained nothing except the false name of Mrs. Shi.

Instead, many things were lost.

Now there is no one around her who cares about her, and no one treats her well.

Even her mother, Yun Ruyi, only cares about her sick brother and doesn't care about her at all.

She can only rely on herself.


Shi Chengan drove away from home, taking some pregnancy supplements.

After a while, the car arrived at the gate of Feng's house.

He got out of the car with the supplements and was stopped by the security guard.

"Excuse me, Master Shi, who are you looking for?"

The security guards didn't stop him before, but since the two families parted ways, they have concerns in their hearts.

"I'm looking for your second young lady."

"Please wait."

The guard immediately went to the pavilion to call Dongyuan to ask.

After talking a few words, he poked his head out and asked, "Second Young Mistress, what's the matter with you?"

"I'll give her something."

The security guard calls back.

After a while, he came out.

"Come in." The door opened for him.

He walked in quickly, and when he reached the boundary between the east and west gardens, his pace slowed down, and he looked to the next door.

A small road stretches forward in a winding way, with no end in sight, nor the gate of Xiyuan.

"Master Shi, Dongyuan is here." The security guard reminded him.

The melancholy in his eyes dissipated, and he walked forward without making a sound.

After walking ten steps, I couldn't help but look back.

After dawdling, I finally came to the gate of Dongyuan, and I couldn't see the side of Xiyuan when I turned around, so I calmed down and knocked on the door to enter.

On Dongyuan's side, it was still brightly lit and warm, just like what he longed for.

A dog ran out, wagging its colorful tail.

"Victory." He stroked the dog and smiled at it.

Seungri looked up at him, then ran back.

He walked in with the tonic and stepped into the vestibule.

As soon as he turned his head, he saw a few people chatting and watching TV in the living room.

They are Qiao Shiwan, Feng Ji and his wife, Yu Huixi, Feng Can, Wei Wu, and Feng Chuchu.

When he saw Feng Chuchu, his eyes suddenly froze.

The smile froze at the corner of his mouth.

Yu Huixi immediately changed her face, Feng Chuchu's eyes were full of sadness, and she quickly turned her eyes away.

Others eat melons.

Qiao Shiwan hurriedly spoke out to ease the atmosphere: "Cheng An, it's so late, why are you here? Sit down quickly."

"Uh, I..." He was very flustered, he quickly lifted the tonic in his hand, and said: "I heard that Qian Miao is pregnant, here are some tonics, I just said hello to her."

Yu Huixian snorted: "I don't usually see how close you are, but now I think of giving supplements. I'm afraid it's because the ulterior motives are not in the bar."

This is embarrassing.

Feng Chuchu stood up sullenly: "I'm going back."

She ran out quickly, past him.


Shi Chengan's endurance is poor, he can hardly hide his thoughts, and naturally he can't restrain his emotions.

He hastily put down the tonic and ran out to chase people.

Just before walking out from the next door, seeing this scene, he suddenly felt that he was just a tool man.

It is specially used to "open the door".

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