Chapter 1558

Feng Chuchu ran a long distance, lost one of her shoes, and didn't stop.


Shi Chengan called her name, quickly caught up with her, and pulled her into his arms and hugged her tightly.

"Chuchu, don't avoid me! You have been avoiding me for two years!"

Feng Chuchu couldn't imagine what it would be like for a man to cry without saying a word. The tears soaked her cheeks and slid down against her face.

After a while, she shed tears uncontrollably, but kept silent.

She didn't know what to say, or where to start.

A lot of words were kept out of the door by that layer of identity.

Now, he is a husband and has nothing to do with her.

"I miss you so much. I didn't miss you a day in the past. I thought I could forget you, but I couldn't, Chuchu... I was wrong. I should have taken you away back then. I shouldn't have been My parents forced me to marry that poisonous woman!"

Feng Chuchu's eyes were blurred by tears, but she still couldn't speak a word.

She was very clear about what happened back then, but she couldn't blame him.

The breakdown of family relations directly affected the marriage of the two of them.

Shi Shaolin and his wife prevented them from meeting again, even at the cost of death.

The night they decided to elope, they were discovered by the Shi family.

Shi Shaolin held up a knife and pressed it against his wrist, threatening Shi Chengan to let her go.

At that moment, she was very clear about Shi Chengan's pain.

So she compromised first.

She left him that night, determined not to see her again.

But she didn't expect that she would never forget him when she went to Country M to live like a year.

Later, I heard that he was married, and the person he married was none other than Lin Wenyu.

The man she hates so much!

Thinking of that man, she pushed him away.

"It's all over, don't come to me again!"

She ran away with all her strength, fearing that she would soften her heart.

But before he ran a few steps, he pulled him back again.

He kissed her recklessly, all his thoughts were vented at this moment.

They are in love, and they have already planned the rest of their lives long after the college entrance examination. They were forced to separate at the beginning, which became a pain in their hearts.

Leaving when you love the most, it is impossible to let go of it for the rest of your life.

Feng Chuchu lost her mind, and no longer remembered that he was someone else's husband, but only remembered that he was the boy who had chased after her for many years.

The two hugged and kissed together, and did not separate for a long time.

After a long time, they sat on rocking chairs in the garden, cuddling each other.

Shi Chengan held her hand, his eyes were firm: "Tomorrow I will go back and divorce her. Anyway, these two years I have been with her in name only, I have never touched her, and I only have that certificate with her."

Feng Chuchu's expression changed, and she was worried.

After calming down, her sanity and timidity were fully restored.

"But, what about your parents? Our two families are still at odds, and it's impossible to make peace."

She bowed her head: "Besides, it is impossible for Lin Wenyu to divorce you so easily."

Shi Chengan was firm: "I can't control those things, I just know that without you by my side, I would have a hard time, especially when I saw that poisonous woman, every time I saw her, I would feel sick, I would never live a life like this again, I will leave tomorrow! If I can’t leave, I will file a lawsuit with the court!”

Feng Chuchu couldn't help crying again: "Why did we become like this, I am obviously your girlfriend, but now I am a third party..."

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