His Wife Calls The Shots

Chapter 1559 Brother Xian, can you... avoid it for a while?

Chapter 1559

Shi Chengan felt extremely uncomfortable hearing this, and immediately denied her words: "No! You are not a third party, you are not! Chu Chu, don't think so! The only person I have loved from the beginning to the end is you, you are not a third party, and neither is Lin Wenyu. , I have never liked anyone else, no one can come between us!"

He became more and more determined to divorce.

Feng Chuchu let go of him, and said: "You go back first, we don't want to see each other for now, I think it's very strange, you are already someone else's husband, I don't want to be scolded for being an undisciplined person."

She walked away quickly.

This time Shi Chengan didn't go after him, he knew that what Feng Chuchu said was right, at this time, it was really not appropriate for them to meet.

Otherwise, it will bring trouble to Feng Chuchu.

Wiping away his tears, he walked back to Dongyuan.

Under Qiao Shiwan's guidance, he found Qian Miao in the small garden in the side yard.

In early autumn, the night breeze is blowing, and it is very comfortable to sit in the yard to enjoy the shade.

In the waterside pavilion ahead, Qian Miao and Feng Xian are fishing with great interest.

Feng Xian didn't seem to be fishing, but more like spending time with his wife. Seeing that the fishing rod was moving, he ignored it and concentrated on peeling the grapefruit for his wife.

Look at Qian Miao again, fishing comfortably next to a deck chair, sitting in a lazy and comfortable posture, like a queen in an ancient painting.

This scene is full of poetic and picturesque flavor, which is exactly the future he originally envisioned.

But now, his life is a mess.

Thinking of this, his determination to divorce became stronger.


The two looked back and glanced at him lightly.

"You haven't gone back yet?" Qian Miao said lightly, and ate a grape by the way.

"I have something to ask you." Shi Chengan couldn't let go, and couldn't help looking at Feng Xian, "Second brother Xian, can you... avoid it for a while?"

Feng Xian's expression was light and quiet: "Speak up if you have something to say."

Having said all this, Shi Chengan had no choice but to bite the bullet and say it straight: "Qian Miao, that's it, I've decided to get a divorce, and I want to ask for your help."

His tone was modest, obviously pleading.

Qian Miao heard the words and looked at him sideways: "Is there anything I can do about your family affairs?"

A soft sentence made Shi Chengan nervous: "Don't refuse in a hurry, I just want you to tell Uncle Tang Yi not to put pressure on my dad and let us handle the divorce by ourselves. In this way, I will There is a chance."

After speaking, he became even more uneasy.

Because he clearly felt that Feng Xian's seemingly calm but displeased eyes were looking at him scorchingly.

Indeed, his request was embarrassing for Qian Miao.

Everyone knows the relationship between Tang Yi and Qian Miao. Asking her to say this would undoubtedly make her owe Tang Yi a favor.

But he really had no choice but to think of this way.

"I'm not interested in meddling in other people's family affairs." Qian Miao said lightly.

Shi Chengan suddenly bent his legs and knelt down: "I beg you! I really can't continue to live with that woman anymore. My daily life is like purgatory!"

"As long as you promise me, I will definitely remember this favor and will definitely pay you back in the future!"

Qian Miao believed his words and had evidence to rely on.

In the previous competition at the Das Hotel, in order to fulfill his promise back then, against his family's will, he rented a presidential suite in her shop for three months.

Therefore, his words can still be trusted.


"Reject." She turned her face mercilessly.

With a hook of his finger, Shi Chengan was straightened up, and he said slowly: "I am not your ancestor, don't kneel indiscriminately, my life span will be shortened."

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