His Wife Calls The Shots

Chapter 1561 Love each other

Chapter 1561

As soon as these words fell, a phone call disturbed the quietness of the two fishing.

Seeing that it was Lu Wanyu calling, Qian Miao quickly answered it.

Unexpectedly, when the phone was connected, it was a small milk voice.


Hearing this sound, the two looked at each other, and their eyes softened unconsciously.

"It's warm, what's wrong?"

"Auntie, Dad and Mom quarreled again."

"Huh? Why are they arguing?" she asked patiently.

The little girl said: "Because Dad sneaked in from the balcony again, Mom was frightened, so she scolded him and told him to leave. Dad didn't want to leave, so he kissed Mom, and then they quarreled with pillows."

Qian Miao smiled: "Oh, don't be afraid of Nuan Nuan, Mom and Dad don't call it a quarrel."

"What's that called?"

"Well, you'll know when you grow up. In short, you don't have to worry."

Qian Miao chatted with her on the phone, and the conversation continued for a long time.

The man beside him sighed softly, picked up his cell phone silently, went to the side and made a call.

So, not long after, a bell rang in Lu Wanyu's house.

At this time, Cang Zeyue was pressing the top of Lu Wanyu's head with one hand to prevent her from "crazy" biting him, and with the other hand, he struggled to find his mobile phone to answer.


"Is this dry breath refreshing?" There was a bit of chill in the gentle male voice.

Knowing that it was Feng Xian, Cang Zeyue had no choice but to give him face, and slowed down his tone: "What's the matter?"

"Go put your daughter to bed."

"My daughter? I..."

With a glance, the daughter who was playing on the trampoline just now had disappeared.

He hung up the phone.

Lu Wanyu's hand was grabbed by him: "Stop making trouble, Nuan Nuan is gone."

Lu Wanyu was taken aback for a moment, then looked back and hurriedly looked for it.

Finally, the two found their daughter who was about to sleep in a box in the storage room.

Lu Wanyu felt distressed when she saw it, picked her up and asked, "Nuan Nuan, why are you here? Huh?"

The little girl opened her sleepy eyes and glanced at the two of them.

"Mom and Dad, are you not arguing anymore?"

Lu Wanyu was taken aback: "Are you afraid that your parents will quarrel, so you hid here?"

The little girl nodded.

Cang Zeyue put his arms around Lu Wanyu's arm: "Nuan Nuan was wrong. Mom and Dad are not arguing, but flirting. It's an expression of love, so don't be afraid of Nuan Nuan."

"Really? It seems that my aunt said so too."

Her eyes lit up a little.

"Of course it is true." For the sake of my daughter's mental health, I had to say: "Listen to your father."

"Then are you really in love with each other?" She asked seriously.

"Of course!" Cang Zeyue said, then turned his head and kissed Lu Wanyu.

Lu Wanyu frowned, but when she met her daughter's gaze, she endured it and turned her head stiffly to kiss him back.

It was obviously aimed at his face, but unexpectedly the man turned his head suddenly, and with this mouthful, he kissed him directly on the lips.

With a sly smile on his face, he whispered, "My daughter is watching."

After the words fell, he kissed her twice.

Lu Wanyu pursed her lips and stared at him silently.

The little girl clapped her hands: "Yeah, great, great, mom and dad didn't quarrel!"

Seeing their daughter happy, the two breathed a sigh of relief.

Afterwards, the two bathed their daughter together and put her to bed together.

Leaving her daughter's bedroom, Lu Wanyu didn't look at him: "Go out and close the door."

Just as she turned around, she was pulled back by the man, followed by a kiss on the lips.

Her face slowly turned crimson.

"Listen to me," he said, "marry me."

After saying that, the man slowly lowered himself before her eyes, and suddenly a ring appeared, kneeling in front of her on one knee.


(Good night)

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