His Wife Calls The Shots

Chapter 1562 Heartbeat

He knelt down just like that, holding a ring in his hand.

For Lu Wanyu, this move made her dizzy.

In the past two years, Cang Zeyue mentioned marriage many times, but he didn't propose like he is now.


She was suddenly speechless and took two steps back.

Cang Zeyue looked sincerely: "I know you are very worried about me, but you have to believe that I have changed, please give me a chance."

His tone was really rare and sincere, without any flaws.

Lu Wanyu's heart was about to soften.

At this moment, the previous images flashed before her eyes.

He didn't shy away from those Yingying Yanyan approaching. This scene disgusted her for a long time.

"No... no!" She was firm again: "I will not marry you!"

With a bang, she turned around and closed the bedroom door, leaning her back against the door panel, panting.

Heartbeat, soon pounding, very fast.

He knocked on the door.

"Xiaoyu, if you don't get married, let's get together again and start dating tomorrow, okay?"

She didn't respond.

I heard him say again: "Tomorrow at twelve o'clock at noon, I will wait for you in the central square."

"I dont go!"

"I will wait for you."

Not long after these words fell, footsteps came from outside, followed by the sound of closing the door.

Lu Wanyu breathed a sigh of relief, and slowly opened the door to look outside.

did go.

My heart was suddenly shrouded in loneliness, feeling inexplicably uncomfortable.

She didn't know how far they could go, but every time she was faced with a choice, she couldn't make a decision resolutely.

The little sisters said that she was too wimpy and timid, unlike her character.

Only she knew that there was nothing to be afraid of before, because she was not afraid of losing.

And now, she is afraid of losing.

She had already endured the pain once, and she didn't dare to set foot in it again.

Who knows, does this man have one thought every day?

She lay restlessly all night, but she didn't fall asleep.

After dawn, she sent her daughter to kindergarten and went home to catch up on sleep.

Half asleep, woke up with a start.

Reaching out for the phone, it was exactly twelve o'clock.

She remembered what he said yesterday: At twelve o'clock, I will wait for you in the central square.

"No way, he won't come for real?" She murmured to herself.

"But I have already said no, he won't be so stupid and wait there."

A flash of lightning shone into the room, followed by a thunder!

She was startled.

Looking out the window, it was already raining heavily.

"It's raining, so he probably won't go?"

"A twenty-nine-year-old man, he's not nineteen. Who would be so naive and wait to leave?"

After mumbling for a long time, she dialed his phone.

It connected with just one ring.

"Where are you?!" There was a lot of rain in the man's voice.

"I...at home." The voice behind her trailed off.

"at home?"

"I said I'm not going, and you heard it yourself!"

She was so angry that she hung up the phone.

After a while, the phone rang.

She answered angrily.


"Come here, my clothes are wet, bring me a set and change."

The man hung up the phone after speaking.

Lu Wanyu was filled with anger, extremely aggrieved.

She threw the phone aside casually, and said, "I'm not going, anyway, I said I won't go!"

It's raining so much, and it's weekend again, who wants to go out?

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