His Wife Calls The Shots

Chapter 1563 Bickering and Dating

Chapter 1563

She simply pulled up the quilt and tried to sleep.

About five minutes later, she threw off the quilt angrily, changing her clothes while thinking about it.

After ten minutes, she packed herself up, took only the car keys and mobile phone, and went out.

The rain was really heavy, and it was so white that the wipers were too busy.

She drove for a long time before arriving at the central square, and subconsciously looked towards the gate of the department store, because it was the most conspicuous and there were many people sheltering from the rain there.

Just then, she was startled by a man standing in the rain.

Not standing in the rain, but standing under the rain curtain at the entrance of a store, which is the closest to the entrance here and can be seen at a glance.

It's just that the rain curtain was leaking, so she saw it as standing in the rain.

At a glance, the man's hair and clothes were soaked, and he didn't know if it was on purpose.

He was holding a bouquet of flowers in his hand, but the flowers were not wet.

A strange feeling suddenly flooded her heart, which made her lose her mind for a while.

There was an umbrella in the car, so she got out of the car and walked over after taking it.

When the man saw her, a smile appeared in his rain-soaked eyes.

She covered it with her umbrella, and her eyes unconsciously looked at the flowers in his arms.

None of them were wet.

"Are you using bitter tricks?"

The man didn't speak, the corner of his lips curled up, and he suddenly leaned over to press a kiss on her lips.

She blushed quickly in shock.

"Whether it's a bitter trick or not, you've come here, and you feel distressed, don't you?"

Seeing his smug look, Lu Wan was furious.

"Go away, who loves you?"

He nodded: "Well, that's ok, just treat it as my self-indulgence. Then Miss Lu, can you agree to a small request?"

"Why?" She looked at him warily.

He turned over his collar and said, "The clothes are all soaked, buy a new one with me?"

"No!" She turned her face away.

The man said softly, "Can I invite you to dinner?"


"Really not going?"

"I just won't go!" She stubbornly turned her face away and looked away.

"Really not going."

"Don't go!"

"Then you go home?"

"No return!"

She blurted out, and when she turned her eyes, she saw the smile in his eyes.

"If you don't come back, just go shopping with me, and I'll buy it for you later."

He took her hand and walked into the mall.

Lu Wanyu half pushed and followed him away.

The flowers in his arms were placed in her arms, attracting many people's attention along the way.

"Hey, this is the one!" She quickly pulled him into a clothing store, not wanting to see others staring at her.

Cang Ze listened to her more, hummed, and stepped in.

"I'll go to the changing room to take off my clothes first. It's too uncomfortable to be wet. You can help me pick some clothes, huh?"

Perhaps seeing the sincerity in his eyes, Lu Wanyu nodded in bewilderment: "Just this once."

he laughed.

Seeing people walk into the fitting room, she decided to just pick one at random.

But when she really wanted to choose, she still couldn't help but get serious.

The shopping guide recommended several models nearby, but she shook her head and rejected them all.

I thought to myself, if he wore those clothes, he would look more like a playboy.

In the end, she picked out a relatively plain style according to her own preference and sent it to him.

The man changed his clothes very quickly, and he stood up after a while.

"Wow, your husband looks really good in this outfit." The shopping guide immediately flattered him.

Lu Wanyu frowned.

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