His Wife Calls The Shots

Chapter 1564 Just moved, but responded again

Chapter 1564

The man in front of him was handsome, but he didn't quite fit his previous impression.

"If not, let's change it."

Cang Zeyue: "Huh? Why? You don't like this suit?"

"I like it, but what I like is not suitable for you."

Cang Zeyue adjusted his collar in front of the mirror, and said: "Who said it's not suitable, it has always been the same style before, now it will only be better if you change this style, that's all."

Lu Wanyu curled her lips, feeling that there was something in his words.

"Miss, our suit is for couples, do you want to change it too?"


Cang Zeyue smiled slightly: "So you want to wear a couple outfit with me."

"No! And it's very vulgar to wear couple clothes, okay? Why do couples wear couple clothes?"

She was at a loss for words.

He smiled: "Okay, then let's be a less vulgar couple."

Lu Wanyu was depressed, why did she seem to have fallen into a trap?

After buying the clothes, he took her to eat, go shopping, play, and do many things that ordinary couples would do.

She was gradually immersed in it, forgetting her own rejection.

Just in time for a shopping mall event, the two of them joined forces to win the championship and won a pair of prizes sponsored by a jewelry store, a pair of couple bracelets.

At this moment, she is happy.

The two of them played until the evening before going back, bringing a lot of snacks and toys, all for their daughter.

Cang Zeyue wanted to go in with her, but was stopped at the door.

"That's it for today." She quickly closed the door.

Outside the door, there was a man's smile: "Okay, then you have a good rest, I will pick you up to the company tomorrow."

Lu Wanyu pressed her heart, feeling that thumping heartbeat reappeared.

She put everything on the table and was about to call the nanny and ask her to bring the baby back.

When I turned on my phone, I saw an unfamiliar message.

[Miss Lu, what a coincidence, I ran into you in the mall just now, do you remember me, I am Zhao Xi. 】

Zhao Xi...

Her heart went cold.

This woman is Cang Zeyue's predecessor. She once said that she conceived a child for Cang Zeyue, and then Cang Zeyue let her beat her.

It was this matter that made her unable to accept Cang Zeyue for a long time.

How could she forget it after being filled with honey this afternoon?

As soon as she let go, the gifts fell, and she was not in the mood to open them again.

At the same time, in a car under the building.

Zhao Xi was sitting in the car, holding the phone in his hand and staring at the short message that had just been sent, but he did not receive a reply.

She smiled coldly and saw the upper and lower floors above the upper floor.

The first floor is Lu Wanyu's home, and the lower floor is Cang Zeyue's apartment.

That man was her crush for a long time.

It's not officially together, but to her, it's still unforgettable.

So, many years later, she still hasn't been able to forget him, even because he looks down on other men.

It's a pity that other women appeared beside him, and she was a dead girl who was six years younger than the two of them.

She was not reconciled, so she made up a lie to trick that dead girl.

Sure enough, women are jealous, and the lie worked.

Even though they have children, they are not married.

She smiled slowly: "I still have another trick, you girl, you are not my opponent."

As soon as the voice fell, a call came from her mobile phone.

"Hi, hello, is this Ms. Zhao Xi?"

"it's me."

"Hello, I'm the principal of Shenghui Kindergarten. I'm glad to inform you that you passed the interview and you can come to the kindergarten tomorrow."

"Thank you principal, I will definitely arrive on time."

She hung up the phone with a deep smile on her red lips.

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