Chapter 1565

In the northern suburbs, there were sad cries and fast running sounds from an abandoned factory building.

Inside, a boy was running forward frantically, behind him were two hideous adults with blood on their faces.

Both of them had strange scars on their faces, which looked extremely disgusting. At the same time, there were bite marks on their necks and arms, and they were still dripping blood.

They are the parents of children, and they are all people who have been infected with the virus.

Once infected with the virus, it will develop lesions within one to three days, lose its mind, and bite people everywhere like rabies.

The boy kept crying, but he still couldn't wake up his parents' reason.

He also carried a small backpack on his body, and it was very difficult to run.

Suddenly, he fell hard and fell to the ground. When he turned his head, he saw the faces of his parents like zombies, and they stretched their arms and rushed towards him.



A figure flashed before his eyes, and then he saw a girl standing beside her holding a stick.

And his parents had already been knocked out.

The girl wore two scorpion braids, her face was sharp and serious, she turned to look at him: "It's all right, stand up quickly."

He was stunned, and then, as soon as he saw his parents, he cried and went to see them.

"Your parents are poisoned and must be sent to the hospital. Don't touch them, lest you have a wound on your body. The virus enters through your wound and you are also infected."

The boy flinched after hearing this.

At this time, he saw another man walk in.

The man was dressed in moon-white clothes, looking very pure and holy.

The girl changed her appearance when she saw him, and ran over to him with a smile: "Brother, I caught two more patients who were trying to escape."

With a dull expression, Bai Mucheng made a phone call and informed the hospital staff to come and deal with it.

Afterwards, he drove away.

Chiyo followed and nimbly got into the car.

She turned her head to look at Bai Mucheng, and found that his face was very haggard, as if he was very tired.

He was indeed tired, because he probably didn't sleep much for three days.

She didn't know what happened after she fell asleep, but no matter when she woke up, the Bai Mucheng she saw was always awake.

She thought for a while and asked curiously, "Brother, will Uncle be angry if we do this?"

Ever since there were patients in the capital, the eldest brother led her to search for escaped patients and send them to the hospital, thus saving many people who were almost bitten.

She likes this feeling of being a hero, but at the same time, she is very afraid that Bai Mucheng's father will know about it.

It's not because he's afraid of that person, but because he's afraid that the two will have a dispute because of this matter, and Bai Mucheng will be sad.

No matter who it is, it will be sad to be insulted by your father like that.

She subconsciously thought that Bai Mucheng's father would not approve of them doing this.

Bai Mucheng didn't answer her question, but only asked, "How many times has he appeared these days?"

Chiyo was stunned for a while, and then said: "Three times, each time after a break, you came back."

The "he" refers to the sub-personality.

She pursed her lips and said: "Brother, I think that person is terrible, gloomy, he seems to hate me, he only orders me to do things, and he is very fierce, he will not save others, but also You want me to watch other people get bitten, I was bitten once, but my body is different from yours, this virus can’t infect me, I’ll just take the medicine and it’ll be fine.”

"You hate him?" The man asked suddenly.

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