His Wife Calls The Shots

Chapter 1566 The man who makes people feel cold

Chapter 1566

She didn't notice the man's already changed eyes, and continued: "Yes, I don't like him, he is a demon, and he wants to occupy the body of the big brother, it is really annoying."

The man hooked his lips and smiled sinisterly: "Yu Jian, you are not good today."

Chiyo felt a chill go down her spine, and her whole body went numb.

She looked at the man beside her, and her warm and refined eyes were full of viciousness at the moment.

As if, a different person!

Moreover, only that person would call her Yujian.

Because, the word "Qiandai" reminded him of that woman, thus awakening the real Bai Mucheng.

The speed of the car was getting faster and faster, her breathing was slightly tight, and she didn't say a word.

He glanced at the destination displayed on the screen and smiled: "You guys are going to this place, what are you doing?"

Chiyo tightened her seat belt and didn't dare to speak.

The place they were going to was a community because there was a patient there.

The patient was not very bitten when he went out in the morning, and went home secretly because he was afraid of going to the hospital.

The reason why he was afraid of going to the hospital was that he would die if he went there.

It takes time for the virus to spread in the body. If it is still in the incubation period, the patient will not feel anything special.

Therefore, it will create an illusion for patients that there is nothing serious, and they don't want to go to the hospital even more.

However, as long as the virus spreads throughout the body and enters the heart and brain, the poison will be released in an instant!

As long as the poison occurs, everyone around him will become his "prey".

They followed the old man to the house in the morning, and told the family about the situation. The people in the family agreed well and said that they would be sent to the hospital immediately.

However, not long ago, people from the hospital called to say that they were unwilling to cooperate, and they were still in a stalemate, and asked them to go over and help deal with it.

Chiyo didn't dare to speak out about it.

He glanced at the man next to him, his lips closed.

"See you, Xiao Yu, if you are not good, you will be punished." He said slowly.

The car door opened suddenly.

Qiandai suddenly remembered Bai Mucheng's words.

He said that this sub-personality only likes people who obey him, and hates people who disobey him the most.

Just follow him.

She had no choice but to say: "There are patients in the Xingguang community who refuse to go to the hospital, and they ask us for help."

The man sneered: "Ask you for help? Why, have you become the people's heroes? Or the police?"

This tone is very mocking.

Chiyo endured his displeasure and said, "Big brother is a hero, he saved many people!"

"Really?" A loose and cold smile flashed across the corner of the man's eyes, "Save people... so he is so kind..."

Every word he said made Chiyo feel cold on the soles of his feet!

"It's a good thing. You can do it together. Let's save people together. That's great."

He snorted, didn't say anything, and accelerated the speed of the car.

Chiyo didn't know if he agreed, but based on the principle of comforting him, he said, "Actually, I think you are a very nice person. If you save people, your charm will be even greater. In the future, there will be many girls and sisters." Everyone likes you."

The corner of the man's lips twitched slightly, with a half-smile, but he didn't say anything.

Chiyo lost his mind and didn't even know what to say.

Soon, the car circled into the community.

There was no one wandering around in the community, but there were people lying on their stomachs looking down at the lit windows of tall buildings.

It should be watching the fun.

The car turned to the right and immediately saw an ambulance and several medical personnel.


(Good night)

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