His Wife Calls The Shots

Chapter 1574 Before you want to protect others, protect yourself first

Chapter 1574

Qian Miao seemed to be extremely tired, grabbed his clothes, put her chin on his shoulder, closed her eyes and said, "Okay, I know I was wrong."

Seeing her like this, how could he bear to continue talking.

He simply carried her back to the bedroom and took care of her to rest.

He didn't ask many questions, not wanting to burden her.

Of course, he also knew who she was going to meet, and although he felt a little uncomfortable, he figured it out after thinking about it.

He can understand this worry and is willing to tolerate it.

In the middle of the night, Qian Miao gradually fell asleep under the comfort of his palm.

The phone lights up at this moment.

【Come out, I'm outside your house—Old Bai. 】

He picked up his phone casually and walked out of the room softly.

At the gate of Feng's house, under the street lights, a Maybach parked.

Bai Mucheng stood beside the car, waiting quietly.

After a while, Feng Xian came out, seeing him, his eyes darkened, and he walked towards him.

Under the street lamp, the upper bodies of the tall figures of the two overlapped together.

A tacit silence.

"The new virus is spreading very quickly." Bai Mucheng spoke out first.

Then, handed him a small bottle: "Eat it and you will be immune. You will be fine, and she will be fine."

He looked very serious: "This medicine is very rare, because one of its raw materials is gone, so now there is only this one left in the world, you can take it."

Feng Xian raised his eyes, but didn't take the bottle.

"It seems that you don't believe me." Bai Mucheng said.

Feng Xian didn't make a sound, just stepped forward, and the shadow overlapped with his again.

The distance between the two is less than the distance of a palm, and Feng Xian is getting closer and closer.

Suddenly, he quickly squeezed Bai Mucheng's chin, and put the medicine in.

Fingers closed on his chin, Bai Mucheng swallowed the medicine.

Actions go from start to finish in the blink of an eye.

"You're crazy! Only this one!" Bai Mucheng shouted.

Feng Xian let go of him, took a step back, and said calmly, "Before you want to protect others, you must first protect yourself."

He didn't say much, turned and left.

Bai Mucheng closed his eyes, suppressing his emotions.

The phone rang.

"Mr. Mu, I have completed all the tasks you handed in. Are you sure you want to send the video?"

"Send it." He didn't hesitate.



The next day, Qian Miao slept until after nine o'clock before getting up for breakfast.

She habitually turns on the TV to watch the news.

It's past the time for the morning news, and it took me a few turns to find the news that was on the air.

"At 0:30 a.m. last night, the Baishi Group's Shaodong Baimu Cheng single-person video was airborne on major platforms. According to him, the vaccine currently sold by Baishi has no permanent effect on the new virus, and there is no specific drug. Call for Everyone actively cooperated in the fight against the epidemic. About an hour later, the relevant videos were removed from all major platforms. The Bai family explained the previous video with Bai Mucheng drinking nonsense. However, many people still panicked because of this, and even got vaccinated Many people also started hoarding supplies crazily, unwilling to go out..."

Qian Miao hurriedly took out her phone and looked through it. Sure enough, there were relevant news everywhere.

Soon, officials came out and made a statement, supporting Bai Mucheng's statement, and further appealing to everyone not to despise the virus after being vaccinated, and to be careful.

And provided some evidence that there have been examples of people who have been vaccinated.

As soon as this incident happened, the Bai family immediately fell into crisis.

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