His Wife Calls The Shots

Chapter 1575 Change the heir

Chapter 1575

Most people accused Bai of earning black-hearted money and were unwilling to buy it. If Bai Mucheng hadn't voluntarily admitted to win a little favor, the current situation would only be worse.

Under such circumstances, it was rumored that Bai Hanjie is currently in charge of the Bai family, and Bai Mucheng is not at the helm.

Therefore, there were voices everywhere, asking Bai Mu to take over the Bai family.

Still, the effect is small.

It is impossible for Bai Hanjie to abdicate because of these outside voices.

This incident directly affected the sales of vaccines, but not much.

Although the masses were scolding, even the official did not directly say that the medicine was completely ineffective. Everyone believed that it was better to have a shot than not to have a shot, and when there was no better choice, they still took a shot.

However, Bai's reputation is no longer what it used to be.

A week later, the Bai family.

"Master, the Alliance has called again to urge the meeting." Bai Hanjie's secretary hurried into the study and reported to him.

Feeling uncomfortable all over, Bai Hanjie casually poked the pen with his signature on the ink pad, then fell to the side.

The assistant on the side took away the signed documents, for fear of angering him again.

"You son of a bitch! It's not enough to achieve success, but it's more than failure!"

After the incident, he scolded Bai Mucheng almost every day and wanted to beat him, but Bai Mucheng hadn't been seen for a week, and he couldn't find him.

The secretary said: "Master, this is the end of the matter. It is useless for you to scold the young master. We all know the situation of the young master. He has always been against you. There is no way to do it. I can only hope that he will come back soon." Now, what is more urgent now is the alliance, because of the young master's video, their company has also been affected, and they want to hold a meeting to discuss and change the heir."

Bai Hanjie laughed loudly: "Change the heir? They had a good idea. My Bai family pulled them up. Now that something happened, they just wanted to leave us behind. What a bunch of wolves!"

With a big wave of his hand, he said, "Tell them, if they are not convinced, just quit the alliance. If there are difficulties in the future, don't say that I, Bai Shi, don't protect you!"

"Hey, I'll call back right away, it's just... He Chen's side..."

He Shen is the representative of the He family in country C, and is also the chief elected by the alliance.

"What happened to him?" Bai Hanjie looked indifferent.

"He asked someone to pass on the message, saying that everything should not go beyond the root of human beings, otherwise you will suffer the consequences."

Bai Hanjie narrowed his eyes.

"Sir, does he know something?"

Bai Hanjie raised his hand to stop him from speaking, thought for a while, and murmured: "He has never cared much about this plan, so he wouldn't know about it, you should go and answer it first!"

The secretary nodded and walked out.

Bai Hanjie sat on the chair and thought about it, then picked up the landline and played a call.

A soft and slightly hoarse voice came from the other end.

Bai Hanjie questioned: "When will we do it!"

"Hehe, chairman, are you so impatient?"

"You have seen it too! What is the current situation of my Bai family, I can't wait any longer! You said earlier that as long as you win this world, my Bai family's industry will also dominate the world. You should fulfill your promise!"

The thick and hoarse voice resounded throughout the room, revealing his anger.

The person at the other end was slow and unhurried: "Don't worry, there is no company that can do anything to your Bai family now. The implementation of my plan depends entirely on your financial support. Will I still cut my own way?"

Hearing this, Bai Hanjie's mood eased slightly: "I can't wait any longer, anyway, speed up the plan!"


(Good night)

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