His Wife Calls The Shots

Chapter 1581 Make sure Yun Huan is still alive

Chapter 1581

Yun Huan appeared in this dream, facing him with a disappointed face, and refused to say a word.

However, when the picture changed, he saw a woman with her back turned to him, with wounds all over her body, crying for help weakly.

He was startled awake by this scene. When he woke up, he checked the time and realized that he had only slept for less than half an hour.

I broke out in a cold sweat, my whole body was weak, and I felt dizzy even when I woke up.

Seeing this, the housekeeper said to him: "Sir, I think you look very bad, why don't you go to the hospital to have a look, you haven't had a good rest these days."

Tang Yi shook his hand and didn't care: "You also said that you haven't had a good rest, so it's no big deal. Let's go down and see him."

The butler nodded and followed him.

As soon as I walked to the door of the basement, I saw the door was open and a cool breeze was blowing.

Tang Yi's scalp went numb, and he quickened his pace and walked in.

The room that Bai Mucheng lived in was also open!


He called out to the kid, but got no response.

Once you walk in, where is there another person?

A few banknotes and a message were placed on the bed.

【Thank you for taking me in. 】

"Sir, it seems that the person has already left."

Tang Yi's face was livid, and he immediately took out his mobile phone to call Bai Mucheng.

The phone went through.

"Come back to me, I have something to ask you!" He shouted.

The person at the other end said calmly, "Uncle Tang, I will explain this matter to you later, so it will be good for everyone, please believe me."


"Beep beep."

He was caught off guard by the busy tone.

Tang Yi was so angry that he couldn't bear it, and suddenly passed out.

When he woke up again, he was already in the ward of the hospital, with the housekeeper and his trusted secretary beside him.

Seeing him wake up, the two quickly got up to check.

"Help me up." Tang Yi said in a deep voice.

"Sir, don't worry, there is nothing serious about you, but you are tired. The doctor told you to rest well, otherwise you will get sick even if you are not sick."

The housekeeper knew what he was thinking about, so he said, "Sir, do you want to book a ticket to Wucheng now? I think Mr. Bai must have gone home."

Tang Yi pulled his face and pondered for a long time, sighed, resisted his unhappiness, and said, "Forget it, since he doesn't say anything, then even if I go, I won't get a real answer."

He intuitively felt that there was something in Bai Mucheng's words, and he had some unavoidable difficulties, so he didn't want to say it.

If he insisted on investigating, he was also worried that it would harm Yun Huan, so he didn't dare to take the risk.

The good news is that he is now sure that Yun Huan is still alive.

If it wasn't so, Bai Mucheng could have said bluntly that he didn't know, or he would have died long ago.

But he didn't say that, which further confirmed his guess!

As long as you are alive, you still have a chance!

His thoughts drifted back, and he said, "Go and prepare some food and deliver it right away. The nutrition must be balanced."

He has to take good care of his body, nothing will happen to him, and wait for Yun Huan to come back!

The steward went to do it immediately.

The secretary saw that he was in a stable condition, so he dared to bother him with business: "Mr. Tang, you have been staying at home for the past two days, and the outside world has turned upside down."

Tang Yi only felt that there was nothing more important than Yun Huan's matter now, so after hearing this, he was not in a hurry.

"Say." He closed his eyes slightly, resting his mind.

"Uh, that's how it is. The day before yesterday, Feng and Cang announced the establishment of a multinational chamber of commerce. On that day, many important figures announced their membership. Among them were a few old faces from the alliance. They were originally elders in the alliance, but Bai Mucheng's Afterwards, they insisted against continuing to appoint him as the heir, so when they got angry, they all quit the alliance and voted for Feng Xian instead."

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