His Wife Calls The Shots

Chapter 1582 finally dies

Chapter 1582

He said cautiously: "As soon as the three of them came forward, the companies that were damaged because of the Bai family also turned around. Now there are not many old faces in the alliance, less than half. The most serious thing is, Hey Shen has already announced his resignation and will no longer be the chief, and now the chief is Bai Hanjie temporarily."

He showed annoyance: "Mr. Tang, if you want me to say, they agreed on such a major matter without waiting for you, and they are also arrogant. I think...it's better to take this opportunity and let's make a choice..."

His voice trailed off.

Tang Yi's expression didn't change, he had expected it a long time ago.

"Did Shi Shaolin also withdraw from the alliance?" He asked quietly.

"Yes, he was the fastest to quit. He is really a fool! When Feng's accident happened, he was also the first to ask you to form an alliance!"

Tang Yi was not annoyed: "A businessman is chasing profit, and it's childish to talk about feelings, which is normal."

The secretary felt strange, why did the person in front of him feel less irritable?

As if he didn't care.

In the past, when I heard this kind of thing, I was bound to curse a few more times. Are you in a good mood today?

He quickly regained his senses and returned to the topic: "Mr. Tang, then we..."

"Stay the same." Tang Yi said.

"Oh, yes."

Ten minutes later, the butler came back from buying food with a strange expression on his face.

Tang Yi ate, said: "Speak up if you have something to say, don't hold back."

The housekeeper hesitated to speak, with a troubled and cautious face: "Sir, it's...it's Madam, oh no, it's the ex-Madam. She heard that you were sick, and now she's outside. She said she made soup and wanted to..."

"Let her go back." Tang Yi's voice was cold.

Feeling the deep disgust in these words, the two frowned, looked at each other, and took a step back tacitly.

"I'll call back now, sir, take it easy."

The two turned around.

Suddenly, Tang Yi put down his chopsticks and said, "Let her in."

In his eyes, there are thoughts.

The housekeeper hurriedly went out to deliver a message.

After a while, Yun Ruyi walked in carrying a thermos. Although the makeup on her face was bright, it couldn't hide the haggard and heartbroken eyes.

She came over with something and smiled at him: "Brother Yi, I heard that you are sick, this is my soup, try it."

She poured out a bowl of soup and brought it to him.

Without saying anything, Tang Yi reached out to take the bowl of soup, and then, under her gaze, mercilessly poured it into the trash can.

The hope in Yun Ruyi's eyes cooled down along with the soup.

Her face was stiff, and two lines of tears came as soon as she said it.

Tang Yi put down the bowl and looked at her mercilessly: "From now on, don't appear in front of me again."

"You know very well that I have no feelings for you. What happened back then was indeed a mistake. You seduced me by pretending to be Yun Huan while I was drunk. Today, you should also think about it."

Yun Ruyi knelt down and cried: "But a slap can't be made. If you don't have any feelings for me, even if the first time was a mistake, what about the second and third time? Am I also seducing you? "

The scene of that year flashed before Tang Yi's eyes.

It is true that Yun Ruyi was seduced, but what happened later was also done on purpose by him.

At that time, he was dizzy with anger, all he wanted was to make Yun Huan feel bad.

Thinking of it at this moment, his heart was like a thousand ants gnawing at him, it was extremely uncomfortable!

"Listen well, I have no feelings for you. I married you back then only for the sake of my children. Don't be so affectionate and don't send messages to bother me!"

She heard him finish this sentence without a pause, without any hesitation, at this moment, she knew that her heart had finally died.

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