His Wife Calls The Shots

Chapter 1590 The Eve of Revenge

Chapter 1590

Yun Ruyi's crying stopped abruptly: "What, why is it late? What did you say?"

Qian Miao looked past her indifferently, and looked in a certain direction.

Over there, there is a long road with a small slope that cannot be seen from the camera, extending over and connecting the west area of ​​this community.

At the moment, there is no one there.

However, Qian Miao suddenly ran over there, her figure flickering, and disappeared before Yun Ruyi's eyes.

Yun Ruyi was completely flustered, she didn't know what Qian Miao meant, but she vaguely felt that "too late" was not that simple.

Not that her apology was late, but...

She felt something was wrong and quickly ran in the direction where Qian Miao disappeared just now.

And at this moment, in the West Garden.

Qian Miao stopped a figure flashing in from the high wall in time.

Just now, when Yun Ruyi was crying with her, she suddenly felt something was wrong.

First, I heard the sound of hurried and fast footsteps, and then I heard the sound of the whistling wind. That movement is definitely not something that ordinary people can make.

Soon, she smelled Lin Wenyu's scent, and was quickly approaching in the direction of Xiyuan!

That's why she said "it's late".

Because, Lin Wenyu has been alienated!

Five minutes ago, Xiyuan.

In the living room, Yu Huiyan and his wife were sitting side by side, they did not look at Shi Chengan in front of them.

Although Shi Chengan was standing, he lowered his head, with guilt and humbleness on his face.

Feng Chuchu fought side by side with him, and didn't dare to speak loudly, but only pulled his clothes with his hands, signaling him to continue talking.

Only then did he say: "Auntie, Uncle, I really love Chuchu. Now I'm divorced. Moreover, I was only in name only in the last marriage. My heart and body have never been given to anyone else. They belong to Chuchu!"

Yu Huiyan sneered, and glanced at him angrily: "I won't talk about Lin Wenyu. You said you are clean in body and mind, so how did I hear that you hang out in bars every now and then, or take a few beauties to various places to play?" , hugging left and right every day?"

She was full of sarcasm.

Feng Chuchu hurriedly said: "Mom, he deliberately acted for Lin Wenyu, he didn't really..."

"Stop talking, girls are not reserved at all. Sit down for me and don't speak for him!"

Seeing that her mother was getting more and more annoyed, and her father was still holding his face all the time, Feng Chuchu had no choice but to shut up first, and sat obediently on the side, without continuing to interrupt.

Shi Chengan knew that now he could only rely on himself.

He knelt down and said to the two: "I swear, I will protect Chuchu with my life in this life, uncles and aunts, please believe me!"

"Both my father and my mother want to come to apologize in person. If you two are willing, they can't wait to come and apologize to you now."

"Forget it." Yu Huixi looked contemptuously, "As far as your father's virtue is concerned, I don't believe that he apologized sincerely. He can break up you for himself, and he can also match you for himself. I only see this villain act."

Shi Chengan's saliva was dry, but he was still the same.

"Auntie, my dad is my dad, am I? You know that I just want to marry Chuchu."

Yu Huixi snorted coldly: "Even if what you said is true, that still doesn't change that you are a second marriage. You are no longer worthy of Chuchu. I raised my daughter so much not to marry her to a Second marriage."

This is Shi Chengan's Achilles' heel, he is in extreme pain and speechless.

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