His Wife Calls The Shots

Chapter 1591 Hurry up and run!

Chapter 1591

He was naive. He thought that with Tang Qianmiao's guidance, Tang Yi saw Lin Wenyu's false determination to donate a kidney, and after getting divorced, everything would return to its original position.

After all, he was naive.

Feng Chuchu really couldn't bear to see her beloved being wronged like this, what's more, she knew from the beginning to the end that it was not Shi Chengan's fault, how could he let him suffer all this alone?

She also knelt down and said to her parents: "Mom and Dad, this is not Cheng An's fault. You all know that it is not his fault. I beg you to forgive him. I will never marry anyone in this life except him." !"

"You... are really worthless!" Father finally spoke out!

Just at such a serious time, Shi Chengan's cell phone rang.

The two elders looked over with sharp eyes, as if saying: You dare to take it and give it a try!

At such a serious moment, of course they don't allow the behavior of answering the phone!

Shi Chengan didn't dare to answer it either, the ringtone was so loud that it was very piercing, so he quickly took out the phone and turned it off.

The caller is Shi Yuqi.

Just as I was about to put down my phone, it rang again!

Yu Huixi and his wife already showed an impatient look, and said, "Since you have something to do, go ahead and do it first!"

"No, Auntie, I won't answer. The most important thing for me now is to ask for your forgiveness. If you don't forgive me, I won't be able to kneel forever."

He knew that these two people had sharp mouths and tofu-hearted personalities, and only in this way could the anger in their hearts be extinguished.

Unexpectedly, my sister, who has always known his personality very well, called again, and it was the third call!

He began to wonder, they all knew what he was doing now, so they shouldn't call to disturb him!

Did something serious happen?

He hesitated.

Feng Chuchu pushed his arm and said, "Go ahead and answer it, otherwise it will keep ringing."

Seeing this, Shi Chengan glanced at the two elders and got through.

He thought that his sister should want to apologize together.

Unexpectedly, as soon as the phone was connected, there was a very anxious and angry voice from the other end, and the breathing was heavy, as if he was running.

"Chengan! You run quickly! Take Chuchu and hide!"

"What?" The four of them were all at a loss.

Shi Yuqi's voice suddenly broke into tears: "Lin Wenyu is crazy! She didn't know what she did, she seemed to be infected, rushed in today and beat me and my parents, now my parents have been sent to the hospital, life and death are uncertain, I have been separated Far away, the injury is not serious, before she left, she said she was going to kill you and Chuchu, you guys hide quickly!"


Yu Huixi and his wife were shocked!

Shi Chengan was angry and startled: "This poisonous woman!"

Feng Chuchu's blood was completely gone, she was already stupid, and murmured: "After being infected... Isn't she a lunatic? How can she remember to take revenge? Isn't she going to lose all reason as a human being?"

Shi Chengan hung up the phone quickly, and helped her stand up: "I can't control that much now, go and hide for a while, once this lunatic gets mad, he won't care about anything."

All three agreed with the decision.

Yu Huixi said: "Let's go to the basement to hide for a while, you need a password to enter there, let's go!"

"Want to leave? It's not that easy!" Suddenly a stern female voice came, and even brought a gust of wind!

Suddenly, a figure jumped in from the window, landed lightly, and landed in front of the four people, staring at them.

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