His Wife Calls The Shots

Chapter 1592 I will accompany you wherever you go!

Chapter 1592

The four of them were startled, Yu Huixi hid beside her husband, Shi Chengan took the initiative to protect Feng Chuchu.

He calmed down quickly, still looking at Lin Wenyu very contemptuously.

"You lunatic, what else do you think you can do?! Do you think that I will have feelings for you after doing this? Don't dream! If you don't want to die, just get out of here immediately!"

A sinister smile broke out on Lin Wenyu's bloodless face.

"I really don't want to die, because I just want you to die!" She opened her round eyes suddenly, and bared her teeth viciously, like a ghost in the underworld!

She pointed at Lin Wenyu angrily, and smiled triumphantly: "Today, I will dig out your heart and feed it to the dogs. I want to see how the rest of you cry for her. The more you cry, the more I will cry." Happy, hahahaha..."

When she pointed, everyone noticed that her fingers were twice as long as before!

Not only that, but her face was almost the color of chalk, her lips were also black, and her hair turned white from the roots, not silvery white, but milky white.

Her whole body became very sick and weird.

Father Feng was annoyed, but he knew he couldn't provoke her at this time, otherwise it would only make the situation worse.

He had no choice but to say: "Wen Yu, please calm down first, let's all sit down and talk slowly about what's going on, and it can be solved if it makes sense. Why is it so bloody? Don't you think so?"

Yu Huixi also hurriedly said: "Yes, yes, have you forgotten, you two were friends once, are you short of money? Or do you have other dreams? Tell us, we will definitely help you, Don't be overthinking it."

"I don't want to think about it!" Lin Wenyu roared, glaring at a few people, and said: "I just want to think about it. After I figured it out, I realized that I should kill everyone who bullies me! Don't leave any one behind! With Tang Qianmiao! I won't keep any of them!"

She stopped talking, and rushed towards Feng Chuchu with all her teeth and claws.

The women screamed and avoided, Shi Chengan grabbed a chair in an emergency to resist, then quickly rolled aside to protect Feng Chuchu, avoiding Lin Wenyu's claws.

Lin Wenyu smiled madly and complacently, with a strange and greedy murderous look in his eyes, he approached the two of them claw by claw.

In her eyes, these two people are in her pocket, and now she is just enjoying the fun of hunting them down.

Finally, she pushed the two of them into a corner, and there was no way to retreat!

She stared at Feng Chuchu's terrified eyes, and said quietly: "I will dig out your eyes and save them. After that, I will trap your beloved man by your side as a prisoner, so that you can watch how I enjoy it every day." his."

Behind her, Feng Chuchu's parents pleaded with her, begging her to let them go, but she turned her head and smiled like a ghost from hell: "You two, just open your eyes and take a good look, how did I put Her heart and her eyes were dug out, hahahaha..."

As soon as the words fell, her eyes turned hard, and her eagle-claw-shaped right hand suddenly exerted force, and grabbed Lin Wenyu's heart——

In the next second, Shi Chengan rushed over without hesitation, and directly protected Feng Chuchu with his body!

Do not hesitate!

Lin Wenyu was shocked, and temporarily withdrew his hand, even so, his five fingers were still embedded in the flesh of Shi Chengan's back!

"Cheng'an!" Feng Chuchu cried out in pain!

Shi Chengan smiled and shook his head: "It's okay, it doesn't hurt at all! Don't worry, if you die, I won't live alone, I will accompany you. This time, I will go wherever you go, and I will definitely accompany you! "

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