His Wife Calls The Shots

Chapter 1594 No more fertility

Chapter 1594

She only lowered her eyes slowly, and when she raised her eyes again, the dagger had already landed on the ground.

With a bang, it fell to the ground like Lin Wenyu's heart and rotted to pieces!

Grievance and hatred pounded her heart!

At this time, Yun Ruyi ran from outside, and when she saw this scene, she cried heartbroken.

"Wen Yu!"

She ran over, grabbed Qian Miao's arm and begged for mercy: "Please don't hurt her, please!"

"Mom! I don't allow you to beg her for mercy!"

Yun Ruyi didn't say much, she stepped forward and slapped Lin Wenyu twice: "I'm obsessed! You still can't recognize yourself!"

She is sad, but also rational.

She knew that this was the only way to save Lin Wenyu to the greatest extent.

But she still underestimated Lin Wenyu's hatred. These two slaps not only failed to wake Lin Wenyu up, but also angered her again.

She seemed to have forgotten how she was instantly killed by Qian Miao just now, and launched another attack.

But this time, Qian Miao turned sideways quickly, raised and lowered her hands at the same time, and quickly knocked her unconscious.

Yun Ruyi quickly supported her daughter and called her name.

Suddenly, she gasped for breath, touched Lin Wenyu's face and asked, "How did she become like this? Why is her face so white, and why are her nails so long?"

She looked at Qian Miao in a panic, begging Qian Miao not to tell any bad news.


"I took the medicine given by the alienation body, and my body has been completely alienated. I should send it to the doctor now, maybe I can still be saved." Qian Miao said lightly.

After she finished speaking, she turned to leave.

The hand was held by Yun Ruyi again.

"Qian Miao, Auntie knows that you have a way to save her, I beg you, please save her..." She was extremely sad and kept begging.

Yu Huixi immediately shouted: "No! You can't save her, she is a lunatic! Qian Miao, you must not save her, she is already crazy, and she wants to kill someone! This kind of person can only be a disaster if left in the world!"

Yun Ruyi shook her head: "No! I will definitely watch her carefully from now on and won't let her go out again!"

Yu Huixi made up her mind not to forgive Lin Wenyu, and was about to continue to refute Yun Ruyi, but Qian Miao stopped her with a look.

Soon, 120 came and took away the fainted Lin Wenyu and the injured Shi Chengan.

In the hospital, because there were so many infected people, it took a long time to deal with the matter of the two of them.

Shi Chengan's wound was not serious, it was just a skin trauma, and it was not infected.

Seeing this, Qian Miao completely believed Lin Wenyu's words - she was just taking medicine, not infected.

The mutation of taking medicine is not the same as a virus infection, and it will not be infected unless it is like her.

Medicines taken by the mother during pregnancy can also affect the baby.

Out of this situation, it will not.

Tang Qianheng is an example.

Although his mother was an alienated body, she did not take any medicine when she was pregnant with him, so he was not affected.

At this time, Lin Wenyu's situation was similar to that of her mother.

After the examination results came out, the doctor regretfully announced that Lin Wenyu would no longer be able to reproduce in this life, and various organs were rapidly declining, and his life expectancy might be greatly shortened.

Yun Ruyi was heartbroken, lying on the bedside in pain, but no matter how much she cried, it would not help.

She came to ask Qian Miao.

Qian Miao looked down and said, "Aren't you the clearest if there is a cure?"

Yun Ruyi suddenly shrank her pupils.

At the beginning, Feng Wei fed the medicine to Yun Huan for the purpose of not treating her with medicine!

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