His Wife Calls The Shots

Chapter 1595 Prejudice dissipated

Chapter 1595

Qian Miao glanced at Lin Wenyu, a small object in her hand slipped into Lin Wenyu's clothes, and then she left.

As soon as he left the door of the ward, he ran into Feng Chuchu head-on.

The other party hesitated to speak, his eyes wandering.

"Is something wrong?" Qian Miao said.

Feng Chuchu hesitated for a moment, and said awkwardly: "Thank you for what happened just now, I... I won't ignore you again in the future, I apologize for my previous rudeness."

Although the voice was thin and muffled, every word was clearly stated.

Qian Miao didn't say anything, just hummed lightly, and left.

Feng Chuchu was startled, looked up at her, and could only see her back.

She had never felt that Qian Miao was so tall and sacred.

The previous prejudices, at this second, all disappeared.

She thanked Qian Miao from the bottom of her heart, and was glad to have her here.


When Qian Miao returned home, it happened that Feng Xian had just returned, and seeing that she was not there, she called her.

When she saw the call, she said to the gate of the courtyard, "I'm back."

Only then did Feng Xian hang up the phone, and stepped towards this side.

"Mom said something happened in Xiyuan, what's going on?"

She pulled him to sit down on the rocking chair in the yard, and briefly told him what happened in Xiyuan.

"I put a tracker on her, which should be able to lock Kunlun's location."

She would not believe that Yun Ruyi could control Lin Wenyu. The reason why she sent him to the hospital was to get Lin Wenyu's physical examination report, which might help Qian Ru and the others to further study the antidote.

Moreover, the medicine was given to Lin Wenyu by Kunlun, so maybe they will meet again.

She wants to follow Lin Wenyu's line, slowly reach the base camp of Kunlun, and annihilate them in one fell swoop!

"I've already sent the inspection report to Uncle Qian. The only one on the tracker side will keep an eye on it at any time. The results should be available soon."

Feng Xian nodded: "Well, I'll keep an eye on the future, don't worry too much."

Seeing him checking her hand, Qian Miao couldn't help laughing, "I'm really not injured. Since I promised you to take care of myself and the baby, I will never break my promise."

As she spoke, she poked her nose forward, and the pointed tip of her nose scraped the man's nose.

Feng Xian has nothing to do with her, his smile reveals doting and helplessness.

"Hungry, let's go eat."

He lowered his body, turned around and said to her suddenly, "Come up, I'll carry you on my back."

She smiled and leaned forward: "Get up."

The man's brows and eyes melted into a smile, and he slid around behind her back before heading into the house.

In the yard, there is warmth.

Qiao Shiwan and the others went upstairs quietly, smiling ambiguously, leaving space for the family of three.

After entering the room, she said to her husband: "The daughter-in-law I chose is really good. You see, our family has never had any problems with mother-in-law and daughter-in-law, and Ah Xian is happy and laughs every day. Otherwise, she would be as cold as before. Worry about him."

The husband smiled and said: "Yes, yes, you have contributed the most. Thanks to your presence in our family, I don't have to worry about it."

"That's it." Ouyang Shiwan proudly walked over and sat down beside him.

Feng Yan put down the book naturally, and reached out to squeeze her shoulders.

She frowned suddenly: "The eldest brother's matter has been resolved, but the second's matter has not yet been settled."

"Didn't Acan have Xiaowu? What are you worried about?" Feng Yan asked.

Qiao Shiwan touched her heart and said: "I don't know, I'm just very flustered. In the past two days, if I call him, he either doesn't answer, or he hangs up after saying a few words in a hurry. I'm really worried." Something happened."

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