His Wife Calls The Shots

Chapter 1596 I want to fatten you up

Chapter 1596

"No accident." Feng Yan comforted her: "It's like this in the army, strict self-discipline, how can you answer the phone so casually at any time."

"No, he wasn't like this before, anyway, I just feel that something is wrong, I'll call Xiaowu, it's the same."

The more Qiao Shiwan talked, the more flustered she became.

Feng Yan's smile froze for a moment, and he didn't continue talking.

At this time, in a certain district of the capital.

A few days have passed since being attacked by the alienated body, but the vitality in the army still hasn't recovered.

Among the crowd, Feng Can directed a row of recruits to rebuild the fort.

It was late at night, and he didn't even eat dinner.

At the time of the incident, he was not at the first scene. When he arrived with others, many people were injured, many were seriously injured, and they are still lying in the hospital.

Qian Miao sent a group of people over for him, but he didn't say what their background was. It seemed to be a secret alliance, but it wasn't.

They assisted him and others to repel the attack of the alienated body and stop the loss in time.

He was given instructions to quickly rebuild the fort within a week.

He didn't even go home these few days, and stayed here to supervise the work from time to time, coughing and coughing. He did everything he could do by himself.

None of them can guarantee that the alienated body will not come again.

Ordinary people can still be protected by guards and police if they are infected, but if the army is infected, the situation will be more serious.

At that time, this place may become the world of the leader of the alienated body.

Thinking of this, he became more energetic.

The hand was suddenly held by a petite and soft hand.

He turned his head, and the solemn expression on his face was instantly removed, replaced by a gentle face.


Wei Wu nodded, pulled him aside to sit down, and said: "I heard that you are the only one who didn't eat. I made this with my own hands. You should hurry up and eat a little. It's not good if your stomach is overwhelmed."


The two found a nearby lawn and sat down to eat.

"Have you eaten?" Feng Can asked her.

She shook her head: "No, I want to eat with you."

She said and took out her share.

As soon as he opened it, Feng Can's rice was full of meat, while hers was more vegetarian.

"Come on, change it." Feng Can immediately put his share in her hand, and reached out to take her share.

But she held back her share: "I feel tired of eating meat, so you should eat it."

Feng Can said: "Let's eat together."

"I really didn't lie to you. Otherwise, if I want to eat, why don't I put more in myself. Now is not the age of material scarcity, right." She smiled at him with crooked eyes.

Feng Can thought it was reasonable, so he nodded, but he still couldn't help but put a piece of meat to his mouth: "You have a taste."

she ate.

Feng Can didn't move his chopsticks, just watched her eat with a smile, and said, "Do you know what my wish is?"

"World peace." Wei Wu contacted the present and blurted out this sentence.

"No, my wish is to make you fat, just like before."

Wei Wu frowned: "So it's like that? No, it's so ugly."

Moreover, at that time, she was ridiculed by many people because she looked fat in a leather case, so she was really ugly.

Feng Can looked down at her and said with a smile, "It's not ugly at all, it's very cute, chubby, super cute."

His voice is very warm.

Wei Wu's eye sockets were a little hot, she lowered her head and smiled, staring at the big piece of meat, her eye sockets became more sour.

It's not that she doesn't like to eat, but she's worried about getting fat.

A person is already a child, and if he becomes fat, it will be really unsightly.

She has to restrain herself.

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