His Wife Calls The Shots

Chapter 1597 Take the initiative to send money

Chapter 1597

The next day, in the afternoon.

Qian Miao and Qiao Shiwan finished tending the flowers and plants together, and when they were tired, they sat alone in the rocking chair and read a book.

Before turning a page in the book, Shi Chengan and Shi Yuqi came to Dongyuan, with Feng Chuchu by his side.

Feng Chuchu held Shi Chengan's arm, intimately.

After what happened last night, Yu Huixi and his wife saw the scene of Shi Chengan desperately protecting Feng Chuchu, and they also accepted him.

Although they despise him as a second marriage, they also understand that it is very difficult to find another man in this world who loves Feng Chuchu as much as Shi Chengan.

Shi Chengan said bluntly: "Thank you last night, if it weren't for you, I'm afraid we would not be in this world now."

Shi Yuqi also said: "Yeah, thanks to you who restrained Lin Wenyu, otherwise my brother would be gone. We came here today to discuss with you about our company joining the chamber of commerce."

Qian Miao closed the book, raised her hand, "Sit down and talk."

As soon as she sat down, Feng Chuchu rushed to say: "To show their sincerity, they are willing to give you 10% of the equity. In the future, Feng Cangshi's three families will have your share, and the three can cooperate more closely."

She finished with a smile.

Qian Miao raised her eyebrows: "Gift?"

Shi Chengan: "That's right, it's a gift, it's my father's intention. As Chu Chu said, the three of us will work closely together in the future to make progress together."

Qian Miao lowered her eyes, and the corners of her lips rose slightly, like a smile that wasn't a smile.

"How about this, you go and tell Feng Xian, now I concentrate on raising the baby at home and don't take care of outside things."

These words made the three of them stagnate.

Shi Chengan and Shi Yuqi looked at each other and their eyes met.

Shi Yuqi told him to speak quickly.

This time around, the task of the two of them is to make the Shi family and the Feng Cang family completely form an alliance. Originally, the father should have come here in person, but he was injured by Lin Wenyu last night, and he was out of danger this morning, lying on the hospital bed superior.

When they woke up, the first thing they did was to tell their siblings to come and talk about it.

Just because, although their family can join the Chamber of Commerce, it is actually of no great use. The Fengcang family still ignored Shi Jiaai.

So, he came up with the method of cutting meat and fishing.

Anyway, most of the shares in the Shi family company are in the hands of the family members, and it is still acceptable to give up 10%.

They thought that this must be done, but now they heard Qian Miao's reply, and they couldn't make up their minds.

This is clearly an excuse to refuse them with child support.

Who doesn't know that although she is pregnant, she is strategizing at home every day and managing the operation of the Cang family?

Such a tactful refusal may be her kindness.

Shi Chengan thought for a while, and said: "We were rude. We came in a hurry just now and misremembered what my father said. In fact, what my father meant was to offer 15% as a thank you gift. I hope you can accept it, otherwise we will accept it." The family has trouble sleeping and eating."

When Shi Yuqi heard this, her expression changed.

Shi Chengan shook his head, telling her to leave it alone.

Fifteen percent, he made the decision!

Qian Miao leaned back, with her hands resting on her cheeks, and the fine sunlight passed through the leaves and landed on her body piecemeal, making her look even more lazy and casual.

She took a sip of the juice, tapped the book in her arms with her fingers, and was speechless for a moment.

The three of them were quite disturbed, not knowing what she was thinking.

"Okay." She said softly.

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