Fang Chuanzi suddenly thought of something and said tit for tat:

"As you just said, the bureaucracy is composed of Confucian sects from aristocratic families.

They will definitely protect each other when Zhu Yuanzhang attacks them.

Even if Zhu Yuanzhang had such a policy, what would be the use? ?"

"They found any reason and killed the people of the Ming Dynasty who wanted to appeal on the way. Wouldn't all Zhu Yuanzhang's policies be in vain?……"

"Therefore, this policy is just a castle in the air. It looks good but cannot be implemented when implemented.……"

Sun Hang smiled slightly:

"Zhu Yuanzhang is further ahead than you think. Learn about the emergence and role of the Jinyiwei system.……"

When he heard the name Jin Yiwei, Fang Chuanzi was immediately speechless.

He forgot that in the Ming Dynasty, there was an elusive organization like the Jin Yiwei.

Jinyiwei only accepts the leadership of Zhu Yuanzhang, even those officials with great powers.

The Confucian sect of the aristocratic family has no way to face Jin Yiwei.

Sun Hang's voice sounded leisurely:

"Jinyiwei is Zhu Yuanzhang's eyes and ears, specially used to monitor officials.……"

"As soon as this policy was promulgated, someone actually kidnapped a corrupt official and took him to the capital. Zhu Yuanzhang was so happy that he simply regarded that person as a model and sacrificed it to heaven.……"

At the same time, Zhu Yuanzhang also commended the people who kidnapped him, gave them rewards, and informed the whole country about the incident.……"

After Sun Hang finished speaking, the entire Dragon Kingdom was in a state of excitement.

"Zhu Yuanzhang, the great emperor of Hongwu, could really do anything, and he would do what he said……"

"However, his approach is really powerful, giving people a channel to redress their grievances and the above.……"

Sun Hang continued at this time:

"Moreover, in order to worry about those officials, Zhu Yuanzhang violated the law openly and secretly, or when posting the list, he revised it from the source.……"

"He will directly send Jin Yiwei to check whether the posted version has been modified. If any official dares to tamper with it, he will immediately behead him. This is called disrespecting the emperor's order.……"

"In addition, Zhu Yuanzhang would occasionally bring elderly people from rural areas or low-level officials to the capital to hold talks with them, asking them about local policies and whether local officials were corrupt or were lying to others.……"

"Zhu Yuanzhang directly used this trick and found out many unjust officials at that time. For a time, the entire Ming Dynasty official system was full of people, and then the official system in the Hongwu period became extremely clean.……"

When the entire people of the Dragon Kingdom heard Zhu Yuanzhang's step-by-step measures, everyone immediately clicked their tongues in admiration.

They all couldn't figure out why Zhu Yuanzhang, who was clearly a cattle herder, had such various measures to deal with corrupt officials.

This anti-corruption campaign is simply fanciful yet effective.

"Zhu Yuanzhang actually knew how to meet with the elderly and low-level officials from all over the country, and he deliberately did so irregularly. Even if the low-level officials wanted to be protected by officials, they could not prevent him for a while but not for a lifetime.……"

"Zhu Yuanzhang's set of measures almost directly implemented the anti-corruption work to the end, allowing those Confucian sects from aristocratic families to find no loopholes.……"

"It is breathtaking, worthy of being called the Hongwu Emperor, Zhu Yuanzhang……"

Originally, many people thought that the Ming Dynasty was brutal.

Now I heard that most of Zhu Yuanzhang's cruel methods were only aimed at these Confucian families.

When dealing with corrupt officials, many people's impression of Zhu Yuanzhang suddenly improved greatly.

In addition, Zhu Yuanzhang implemented compulsory education, including food and accommodation, and free tuition. No emperor in the past dynasties could achieve this and other measures.

Only the Hongwu Emperor, Zhu Yuanzhang, would tighten his belt and be willing to invest such a large amount of money in the field of education.

Zhu Yuanzhang is worthy of being the master of education...

When he said this, Sun Hang's heart was filled with infinite emotion.

"Do you think Zhu Yuanzhang’s achievements are only in the field of education? That would be a big mistake……"

"Next, Zhu Yuanzhang began to carry out land reform. He wanted to take back the entire land of the Ming Dynasty to the heads and hands of all ordinary people.……"

"Let the Ming Dynasty not happen. The people have no land to plant, so there is no food, and then the scene of starvation spreads all over the country.……"

After Fang Chuanzi heard Sun Hang's words, he immediately retorted directly:

"In the feudal era, you allowed everyone to farm land? this is unrealistic……"

"At least the Confucian sect of the aristocratic family would never let such a situation happen.……"

"I have studied this topic. In the feudal era, the most important core competitiveness of the Confucian sects of aristocratic families was land. They would use various excuses to occupy fertile land. If you let these aristocratic families join the family and cede the land in their hands, it would be worse than killing them. uncomfortable……"

"By the way, even many Confucian sects from aristocratic families would be happy to see various natural disasters, because if disasters occur, ordinary people will be in dire straits. When the time comes, they will sell their land at a low price, and Confucian sects from aristocratic families will take the opportunity to acquire it."

"This is the usual method of Confucianism from aristocratic families!"

"I have the impression that you said that the Confucianism of aristocratic families in the Ming Dynasty was suppressed by Zhu Yuanzhang, but it was just hidden, but not completely disappeared.……"

"Then it means that you cannot touch the land in the hands of the noble family.……"

"Even if he were the emperor for eternity, Li Shimin couldn't do this……"

What Fang Chuanzi said is completely reasonable.

Many netizens from the Dragon Kingdom also believe that it is impossible for Zhu Yuanzhang to do this.

Touching the land of aristocratic families is equivalent to killing these people.

Sun Hang said directly:

"Li Shimin can't do it, it doesn't mean Zhu Yuanzhang can't do it……"

"Zhu Yuanzhang fully understood the importance of land to farmers……"

"He directly ordered all desolate lands, regardless of whether they belonged to landlords or wealthy families, as long as they were uninhabited by farmers.Can be reclaimed……"

"As long as the wasteland is reclaimed into cultivated land, Zhu Yuanzhang will directly donate the land to the farmers and apply for the title deed on the spot, and it will belong to the farmers forever.……"

"When Li Shimin was in power, there were light corvees and low taxes. Zhu Yuanzhang directly imposed tax burdens and exempted them entirely within three years.……"

"Li Shimin was forced by the influence of the wealthy family and powerful landlords, and he did not dare to touch the land of the Confucian family."

"The grumpy Zhu Yuanzhang didn't care about that. He directly told the world: Land is used for planting. If the landlord's land is left unplanted, it is a waste of natural resources. If the farmers plant it, it belongs to the farmers.……"

"If anyone is dissatisfied, come to him and he will reason with them.……"

When the Demon King heard what Sun Hang said, Zhu Yuanzhang wanted to reason with those Confucian sects of the aristocratic families, he immediately covered his mouth and smiled.

She knew that with Zhu Yuanzhang's nature, if a member of an aristocratic family really wanted to reason with Zhu Yuanzhang, then such words would definitely make his head roll.

Zhu Yuanzhang was supporting the farmers.

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